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  1. Òþ øüѠüøрð.
  2. I am announcing the formation of team Natashjy, featuring myself four times. I will bring glory to me. Additionally, both Reddit and these forums are a joke, almost on the same level as what Squad and KSP itself has become. It is my hope that this competition will produce an abundance of extra material to ridicule you all with.
  3. TOPPEST LEL! : Superlol! Heres my favorite troll! Funny, right? lol like and subscribe pls
  4. Even if the lift and drag values don't change appropriately, I think you need to release this. It's the perfect aesthetic part, if nothing else.On that matter, do you have any plans for a KSOS-like Mk2 nosecone? That is, a nosecone with an animation that lets it "swing out" and reveal a docking port underneath. The B9 shielded port looks poor on the Mk2 fuselage and putting an inline port inside a cargo bay feels redundant.
  5. Finally decided to go back to Minmus, but didn't want to design a lander, so I just sent a crew transfer vehicle.
  6. Berate? I'm offering a suggestion on how I think he could improve his mod. Your post doesn't make sense to me.
  7. I find this surprising, but I suppose I might well be alone with my opinions on this. I think you misunderstand. Your new male textures make the other kerbals appear more obviously male. Keeping one texture "smoother" and more like unmodded KSP would therefore make this more neutral texture automatically appear more feminine than the others, accomplishing the goal. There's a middle point between Hells Angels member and Betty Boop on the male-female line. There's also the fact that the name generator only really generates male-sounding names, and for the few cases where it doesn't, your mod doesn't actually match feminine names with the female texture, making another flaw with it. I already have removed this texture, I was just very shocked at seeing it included. There were experiments with female textures for kerbals before, and they invariably looked awful.The cap also has practical functions, such as keeping hair out of the face during times when it would be impractical to brush it back with your hand. If being clean shaved was a requirement for space travel, which was considered for a while, the communications and bio equipment would be attached through prosthetic adhesive or a three-way headset. Instead, the cap was found to be more comfortable and convenient, while not weighing much more. All I meant with my statement was that the hair pin would not be needed, since the cap is already worn.
  8. Please reconsider this texture. I understand your intention to include a female kerbal, but this looks awful. I would suggest going for a more neutral look. Lipstick on kerbals looks horrible in the first place. Try to use the same basic face without the lipstick (or at least use a green tone and far less of it), without the hair clip (there would be no need for one, that's what the cap is for) and with dark green freckles rather than pink ones. Freckles are spots of pigment, which means they're a darker tone of the base skin tone, rather than just an entirely separate colour.
  9. For those like me that find the massive and colourful Donate button in the in-game dropdown menu to be pointless, intrusive and irritating, I've made a quick fix. Replace the donate.tga in the GameData/000_toolbar folder with this file and it will be gone. Blizzy, while I appreciate the effort you've put into this plugin, I find the in-game donate button to be highly intrusive and inappropriate. My modified donate.tga file is released under the same BSD-2 license the original file was under, so no harm has been done, I assure you. Have a pleasant day, and thank you again for the effort you've put into reducing button clutter in KSP.
  10. The way plugins work mean you don't need any of them to use the part, but they add functionality. You can use Soviet pack without the plugins, but if you do you miss out on the features those plugins add.
  11. Those bright blue wires really do look awful though. Please reconsider.
  12. Alternis Kerbol. The SSTO is my kerosene and hydrogen fuelled Úþûøñрø Þá. It goes suborbital on the jet engine and uses MPD thrusters for orbital operations. It can do two trips to Laythe and back to the station before it needs to be refuelled, but I prefer having a depot available anyway. But it's nowhere near as big as the Avatar SSTOs. Eventually I plan on adding a large crew shuttle for when I establish ground base on Laythe, but for now I am content with just the Úþûøñрø plane.
  13. Finished my ÒþûѠstation and brought Bill and Bob over to it. They're going to be doing various surveys and radiometry while a lander crew and fuel for the SSTO is shipped over.
  14. You are using far too many NTRs. Their strength is their high isp, but their disadvantage is their high mass. Using that many NTRs for so little payload means the NTRs themselves likely make up the single biggest share of mass. You'd get more delta-v and likely faster burns by using lighter engines instead. As is, your spacecraft is extremely inefficient.You're also bringing wings with you to Mun. Never bring wings with you to Mun, unless your spacecraft is a direct-return glider, which yours isn't. If they're left from the launch stage, you should put them on the low end of the rocket instead. There's no use for them in low pressure or vacuum, and they contribute to inbalance by being placed high in-atmosphere.
  15. I have been enjoying the new KSO Mini-Shuttle station parts.
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