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Everything posted by WaveFunctionP

  1. Probably means I borked another install. Thanks for checking.
  2. Yes, this was my usual method, but it doesn't work anymore as I mention, perhaps poorly, in the OP. - - - Updated - - - ^^ This. I write addons and it is useful to be able to quickly cheat funds and science to test things.
  3. Yeah, I was hoping to do that ingame. I know how to edit a save file.
  4. OK, so for just a simple question topic, but my old methods don't seem to work. I tried to use the f12 menu, and added all nodes and unlocked all parts, but it doesn't save when i exit the tech building. And holding the menu button doesn't give the option to add science anymore, so how does one cheat science now?
  5. Yeah. The Awake and OnDestroy seems to work just fine now. I guess if you guys are doing that way, it's legit enough. Now I just need to figure out why my icon isn't loading. I tried to swap the texture edit: Apparently one only need to use settexture on the button. That was easy enough. Thanks for the help, guys. As usual, you guys are awesome!
  6. I was actually looking at your code earlier. You are firing off your app initialization in the onGUIApplicationLauncherReady() method. (You do an check there for ApplicationLauncher.Ready.) So, I'm a bit confuzzled. I can copy that exact structure and it won't work for me, and unless I'm misunderstanding you (i probably am), then neither should yours. I can put my button in Awake() and it works just fine. I get a button. However, I start getting duplicate buttons when switching vessels though because I don't know where to destroy them. Atleast, I think that's the problem.
  7. Trying to integrate my For science mod with the stock toolbar, and I must admit that I understand about jack squat as to what is going on with GUI stuff. (Not that I know much to begin with.) I'm getting this error, which I can only assume means my toolbar didn't load. "[Warning]: ApplicationLauncher already exist, destroying this instance" I don't have a whole lot of code behind the toolbar yet, I just want the durned thing to show so i can finally work with something I can see in action. private void Start() { if ((HighLogic.CurrentGame.Mode == Game.Modes.CAREER | HighLogic.CurrentGame.Mode == Game.Modes.SCIENCE_SANDBOX) & !initStyle) InitStyle(); RenderingManager.AddToPostDrawQueue(0, OnDraw); GameEvents.onGUIApplicationLauncherReady.Add(OnGuiAppLauncherReady); GameEvents.onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed.Add(OnGuiAppLauncherDestoyed); } private void OnDestroy() { GameEvents.onGUIApplicationLauncherReady.Remove(OnGuiAppLauncherReady); GameEvents.onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed.Remove(OnGuiAppLauncherDestoyed); } private void OnGuiAppLauncherReady() { if (FSAppButton == null) { FSAppButton = ApplicationLauncher.Instance.AddModApplication( toggleCollection, toggleCollection, null, null, null, null, ApplicationLauncher.AppScenes.FLIGHT, GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("FS_icon", false) ); } } private void OnGuiAppLauncherDestoyed() { if (FSAppButton != null) { ApplicationLauncher.Instance.RemoveModApplication(FSAppButton); FSAppButton = null; } } I tried following the guide posted and look at examples, but I couldn't find a clean solution that would work for me. I am quite certain I am doing something stupid at this point, but I don't know what else to try. The way I understand it, I'm supposed to "register" the events OnGuiAppLauncherReady() and OnGuiAppLauncherDestroyed(), creating and destroying my instance of the toolbar, and to create an instance with AddModApplication(). The rest of the mod works and it compiles just fine. I just get that error, and no toolbar button. If anyone knows what to do, or can point me to a guide or example in idiot language, I would be forever grateful. I'm not a professional programmer, so the jargon is hard to understand.
  8. The mod is CCSA. You guys go wild. I only ask that, if possible, please try to use a github branch so that we can easily collaborate in the future. And that you maintain a separate support thread and mod name or variation. To be clear, there is nothing broken with the mod right now, is there?
  9. 160k for the 5m drive inkspil. It's 200k for the 3.75m drive in kspi.
  10. Yeah, kspi uses custom code for the engine. The mass would need to be small. The charge in the drives can be quite large.
  11. Why does it need mass? It's basicly just a charge for warp drive.
  12. I may be wrong, but I believe it is handwaved as LiquidFuel for simplicity's sake.
  13. I believe that was a debug line from the intial implimentation of glowing radiators that may have passed through testing. I think I had to remove a similar output on my build.
  14. You can add reource keys to atmosphereicresources and use the scoops. You can do all of what you are asking with an mm config afaik.
  15. Just add an entry for nitrogen to electricenginespropellants.cfg and a resource definition and make some tanks for the nitrogen.
  16. The update will be a transition to ORSX and tech manager and some other behind the scenes fixes. Shouldn't be too long, but seems like every time I get motivated to do some work lately, something comes up. I dont' expect for anything to break with the update though if you want to go ahead and get started. Just delete treeloader and replace with tech manager.
  17. Not that I want to cause a stink, but why were the uranium maps removed? Are we going with a genericium and fakenite naming scheme to wavehand the realism? (Which I am fine with BTW.)
  18. My 2cents. If the mod author posted an open license, and the modified version is clearly follow the terms of said license, it is fair game. Saying you wish to openly share your code with a license, and then expressing your disapproval when someone actually does something with that license, is childish. A person can't wave the open source banner and then get mad when people decide to fly under said banner. It's that kind of passive aggressive stuff that will ruin any type of relationship. If I say you can have one of my cookies and you decide to have one of my cookies, I would look crazy/looney if I got mad about it. This is the same deal. Note: To be clear, I am not speaking about anyone in particular. (Nor do I care about any particular situation.)
  19. vistaenginecontroller is the module that makes the vista perform like the vista engine, which is different than the stock engines. It's what makes it consume power and nuclear fuels, and controls the behavior or thrust and isp. If you tweak the base engine modules isp and thrust values you are just making an OP engine. (Neverminding that the vista IS OP anyway.)
  20. @Roverdude, Is my version of CRP/ORS is causing any issues? I did not think that it would, and I've not been made aware of any at the moment.
  21. There is no exposed functionality to change the thrust for the vista engine in kspi. That was one of the things that I did for kspil.
  22. The devil is in the details. The long term goal is to be able to do a lot of customization with MM configs, but we are a long way away from that. Remember, this was a long term goal for kspil too and I exposed a lot of functionality towards that end. For the time being, kspil will remain a separate mod until such time that I believe base kspi is flexible enough to do the things that I need it to do, including handling resource compatibility in a way that users intuitively expect, which it's not doing so hot right now. Keep in mind, that is a not a knock against fractaluk. He has a vision that has made his mod very popular. I have no doubt that continued development will help resolve these relatively minor issues. Remember, kspi is one of the larger and more complicated mods, so changes can take time. To be clear, kspil will not remerge completely with kspi until resource compatibility has been addressed reasonably.
  23. I can still define the new nodes in the part file? I prefer to have user modify the part file via MM configs instead of separately coded trees.
  24. I had to expose variables to the part files for a lot of the modules to allow real tweakscale support in kspil. Vista had a hardcoded thrust value that it was depending on to function properly. I had to make a new variable from the part module and use it instead of the hardcoded value. if (throttle > 0) { double power = consumeFNResource(powerConsumption * TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime, FNResourceManager.FNRESOURCE_MEGAJOULES); curEngineT.propellants[1].ratio = (float)(standard_deut_rate / throttle / throttle); curEngineT.propellants[2].ratio = (float)(standard_lith_rate / throttle / throttle); FloatCurve newISP = new FloatCurve(); newISP.Add(0, (float)(minISP / throttle)); curEngineT.atmosphereCurve = newISP; if (power >= powerConsumption * TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime) { curEngineT.maxThrust = vthrust; } else { curEngineT.maxThrust = 0.0001f; } } vthurst was declared and set in the part file and was used instead of a hardcoded value of 1100 or something.
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