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Everything posted by Wadusher0

  1. Really? I don't see why that would be the case since you wouldn't need to tweak and redistribute parts of those mods directly for a module manager config.
  2. That's what I was afraid of... I wonder if its possible to simply make a config file for MKS inflatables act as KIS containers? If not, I think I'll stick to printing Extraplanetary Launchpad parts on-site instead.
  3. So I've been playing around with OSE Workshop and one of the first things I tried to do is expand the size of my KIS storage on-site, only to realize that's impossible since it involves fitting a large container in a small one. The obvious workaround is to make an inflatable one with the workshop, but which mods add those?
  4. So I recently unlocked the MKS Habitation rings and Konstruction docking ports, among other USI parts, but they are nowhere to be found in the VAB/SPH. Has anyone else had this issue?
  5. Apparently clipping parts inside your base with KIS is Kraken bait... Whoops.
  6. If that's the case, where does the majority of the work loading KSP happen?
  7. I would recommend using RCS Build Aid, which tells you where your center of mass will be when your fuel tanks are empty, as well as the exact amount of torque your engines produce - two vital pieces of info for VTOL design you can't easily find in stock. At least not as easily as with this mod. You could eyeball it, but that'll take significantly longer to design.
  8. Alternatively, use a fuel cell array. One of those can power just one big drill plus a refinery while still leaving you with a fuel surplus, provided you have a 5 star engineer. You also won't timewarp nearly as long or spend anywhere close to the amount of money 4 RTGs require.
  9. Can confirm; RCS Build Aid shows the heat shield variant inducing huge amounts of roll, and the exact angles of each individual engine. All of them seem to be very slightly sideways facing on that, but the non-heatshield engine is properly aligned. No idea why the heatshield engine only sometimes rolled though.
  10. Those are purely decorative, as you may have guessed. Another reason they're IVAs and not hollow exteriors is so you can actually see those fun little details. Otherwise you're screen would be filled by the kerbal you're controlling. Also, I don't know if the control modules in this pack are RasterPropMonitor compatible, but if they are, then a hollow exterior command module in KPBS format throws those functions out the window. It would essentially be a glorified command seat.
  11. That's only possible on EVA, which requires the vast majority of the part to be a hollow exterior, rather than solid with a proper IVA. Which isn't exactly practical with these parts.
  12. I see... Well, looks like the mk16 chute is much too weak. I placed loads of them on my craft and couldn't slow down at all. You could try EVAing some time before you hit the ground - the weird physics of EVA kerbals sometimes stops them from exploding.
  13. Did you get into a low enough orbit that the kerbal can push the craft to the edge of the atmosphere? Because at that point that's your only option given that the kerbals have a very low temperature tolerance. Well, that and adding moar boosters of course.
  14. I have attempted to dock these together before and had it not work. Though that may just be a mod interaction.
  15. Or better yet, Hyperedit your bases and rovers into orbit beforehand, update, and then use Vessel Mover.
  16. Not well at all unless you're very close to the runway or on the mun. It doesn't take any atmospheric effects into account. A spaceplane is better suited for Kerbal Flight Indicators.
  17. Your alignment should be good enough, but in my experience, you can't dock the shielded docking port to the unshielded one, despite the shielded one containing the unshielded one in the model. However, that rover has another unshielded port in the back, so you should be able to dock from that side.
  18. DeepFreeze should be fine. You can consider it an extension to various life support mods and since all life support is usable here, there shouldn't be any problems with it. In fact, that's why I'm using it on my own Jool 5 trip.
  19. Welp, looks like I posted a bunch of stuff already on this thread... Ignore this!
  20. Oh, well in that case you definitely have the fuel for a jool 5. Though if it doesn't have mining gear, what are the radiators for? Re-entry control? I am very much looking forward to that mission.
  21. Unfortunately, that doesn't solve a fundamental issue with the mod, which is that there are a whole heap of things you can do that switch songs which shouldn't do so, like decoupling parts/docking, switching vessels, going EVA, entering orbit or a suborbital trajectory with one playlist covering all 3 of those situations, and so on. These happen often enough to be annoying, but, thankfully, not often enough for me to delete the mod. The only time a new song should ever be selected is when a new playlist is loaded. What should happen when any of that occurs is the mod should compare the playlist before these events to the playlist after them, and if they are identical, the track should continue where it left off. As for the pause issue, what's stopping the mod from simply pausing/unpausing the track it's playing, as opposed to selecting another one twice?
  22. That much deltaV is massively overkill for something like this! Especially if you've got mining gear. I have a craft with mining gear and less than half of that in orbit, which can barely get to Bop to refuel, and even that potentially has enough to do this mission. Also, is that 10 km/s on the runway or in orbit? You may have problems getting off of Tylo. The nuclear engines give far too little to be useful in that regard. Also, how are you planning to get that into orbit? I don't see any jet engines, so you're not SSTOing that from Laythe any time soon unless you add loads of rapiers. Have you tested that in a sandbox save? If you haven't unlocked the rapier - and considering the cupola cockpit I wouldn't be surprised if this is your career save - that's where you'll want to fly that behemoth.
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