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Everything posted by Vince_K

  1. Salut Kiknac et bienvenue sur le forum. Le moteur nucléaire est une réplique du moteur NERVA développé par les Américains dans les années 60. Voilà pour l'histoire longue. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/NERVA . Pour l'histoire courte, disons que c'est un moteur avec un très bon raport consomation/poussée. Il n'utilise que du Liquid fuel, ce qui permet de reduire la taille des réservoirs. Le désaventage, c'est que la poussée n'est pas très forte. Il est donc beaucoup plus fait pour les manoeuvres orbitales...et faut pas être pressé... Mais bon...ca reste un jeu et c'est permis d'abuser sur la quantité
  2. I do not know the modding but maybe it can help. there is a motor module in ksp. why not make two pieces that move together instead of one?
  3. wouha!!! new updates for IR!?! you are my hero! thanks x 10000000000!!!!
  4. and what about french translation? somewhere someday maybe?...
  5. to look good with stock, change the blue for an old yellow or a stock grey and just add some hazzard stripe somewere. Kerbals like hazzard stripe! ...realy beautiful btw. good job, I can't wait to try this!
  6. it seems that you have too much weight on yours weels. right clic on the weels and check the weels stress bar when you go on the track
  7. the eva-X-pack don't work for me to. I can put it in the inventory but I can't wear it KAS and KIS are instal and I don't have community tech tree. (V 1.2.2) and just for info...what happend with the daishi part? Will you realese them one day? they are realy beautiful. Tanks
  8. today, I send my new Copernic scaning/science satellite with the Prospector rover on it. Here with the second stage for the final burn to Eve.
  9. I desorbed my spaceport because of a docking port/Kraken bug Station 01 on his glorious days. R.I.P Station 01
  10. ok...and no post of Freedom since january 24, 2016... https://www.dropbox.com/s/ubum3kkmp4i2ng9/FreedomTex.zip?dl=0 tell me if it work...I am not a pro with that...
  11. oups...sorry I have a copy but I don't know if I can share with you. It's the MIT licence.
  12. if you think like this...play solo...Anyways, I don't think that a multiplayer KSP can be play by 10 people at the same time...maybe 3 or 4? You don't have choice to cooperate.Or why not just controle one caracter in a senario? to play, you need an engeiner who controle the vab and build the craft and make fuel transfer...this kind of thing...a scientis who have science to do and controle the com and the scan...and a pilot who....pilot? many thing can be done... just think outside the box it will be cool to make a mun landing in coop. And if you are in the same ship, there are no more time warp probleme...
  13. maybe a stupid question...but..instead of time warp,why not just cut the scene when nothing happend and reload the game at a pre selected time in future for both players? is it possible?
  14. All I can say at this point is good luck. I have serious problem with this mod to...
  15. go to alt F12...in physic, clic ''show auto strut or someting like that... I forgot to say that you can't move weels or landing gear to...
  16. forget the legacy parts. the rework 90 basic hinge are bugged,The parts lose their positions a few times when you load or if you have weight at the end of the arm and the game saves . Use magnet to the end of your arm. Do not dock your ship with another, you will lose the priority of the parts and they do not work anymore. Apart from these few "minor inconveniences", the mod works. If we can say that ...
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