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Everything posted by martin.stejskal

  1. thanks for mentioning the java version, could you plese write this JRE prereq to the readme? I will update my jave and will let you know if this help. Thx.
  2. Hi, i like the contracts you introduced and i have a little improvement in the current logic. Could there be something called "Program" where multiple contracts would follow with logical milestones (close to real NASA-like programs) to reach and after you fullfill all the contracts you will be rewarded with a new subasembly related to parts tested during the program. Also all kerbal paticipants should get a medal for achievments in that program. Also the admin building can reflect this and add some more options to tweak the programs for example to make the milestones more manned-unmanned-spacelabs-partstesting focuse or something else may be limiting the number of simultal programs by utilizing the game curencies.
  3. could somebody who understand how to use the gravity assist post an article with some schemas to the kerbal wiki how to use it in proper way. Thx.
  4. HI im using this link - i downloaded both the 0.7 (893.685 bytes) and 0.7.1 (893.828 bytes) both with the same error https://github.com/oharaandrew314/TinkerTime/releases Bottle Rocketeer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join Date:Jul 2014 Posts:16
  5. hi is there some prerequisities for runing this program. when i try to run it say "coud not find the main class: ahora.tinklertime.TinkerTime program will exit Thx in advance
  6. observatory building where you can create a surface maps of other celestial bodies (using probes to map it first) and finaly see the overlay of biomes over those maps. Remember the landings/impact posisions of probes/capsules on those maps and some stats about the planets so one shouldnt need to go to wiki during flight to see where the hi/low space border is starting for that body. Add and inpactor probe device and science experiment. make some smaller probes and part avail able for the begining of the game.
  7. some astronouts missions statistics and medals may be militray ranks for them. also their stupidity and courage factors could do something
  8. Please could you implement a parts diameter filter in the VAB. Also a would greatly apreciate a small picture of a tested part ont he page of the actual contract. Thank you
  9. Suggestion for mod or ingame change for admin building Hi i would like to discus some proposals to how a research could work well with the new admin building. Suppose that you have a 5 separate technology trees 1st – rocket propulsion and rocket structural 2nd – airplanes propulsions and airplanes structural 3rd –unmanned probes, utilities and robotics. 4th – manned capsules, life support, service modules and space labs. 5th – Scientific equipments, communications, electrics and extras. Each of the technology tree has a kerbal manager in the admin building who can create a new space research program. The space program should have name and the launches should be associated to some space program to keep a statistic of this program for a may be future building called the space flight museum. The complexity of the space program should be limited by current prestige cost of a program and start with simple ones and rise during the game. Contracts should be assigned to a particular space program and Should be more complex like build a two stage booster capable of sub-orbital flight with dummy payload reenter. Could present a multiple objectives which requires a multiple launches. Example for rocket lifter project A: research and test 1st stage engine on ground B: research and test 2nd stage engine on ground C: research and test decupler and both engines in flight D: research a nose cone and test reentry with dummy payload of 10 tons E: take some useful payload to the orbit To undertake a contract you must pay a certain amount of prestige, to limit the numbers of programs you can participate in. Research system will be tweaked like this: You need a prestige to unlock a space project. Each vertical of the research tree will have project which will utilize the parts from that vertical (not necessary all parts). You can advance to the next vertical after you finish successfully the previous project. This adds the complexity as you advance thru the tree becouse more parts are present at each next vertical. In the admin building you will pay a research team which will spent a fix amount of research point per hour to finally research each single part you select from the tree (maybe a research queu will be good idea). Each research team will cost you and amount of money per hour and you can speed up the research rate by pay more teams in the admin building if you have a money or you can use today’s existing commitments from admin building to tweak the research cost and speed. Fulfilling the contract/project steps objectives will earn you the resources for continue in the research and in the program. Finishing the program will give you extra prestige and resources to research all the remaining parts in the tree vertical which was not needed directly for the space program objectives. Finally this approach can be a beggining for a scenario based play according to a real US or USSR early space programs. What you think would you like to play according to this rules ? Would there be any moder to challenge this? Thank you in advance.
  10. Reading other posts show that it is probably not a bug but a feature :-)
  11. hi i have the same issue and i think its related how far from the shore you splashed. becouse i was realy close to the base floating in the water and the situation was: "over kerbin shores" so there is probably border discrepancy betwean the biome and where the water is. may be this should be reported as bug?
  12. completely agree. the map could also use a layers to show something like hystory of your landings, elevations or biomes.
  13. I would apreciate if i could either redefine the action group in space (what a mess after docking two crafts with different action groups on same keys) or simple variant if i could show the defined action groups in space(during fly). Thank you.
  14. Sorry if im not aware of but can you introduce some API for moders to create a scenarios with objectives? Thank you.
  15. How is this done technicaly? meant that the shute is only partialy opened? its two stages for the ropes to be fully stertch?
  16. another hint can you see this behavior when you start a new game?
  17. Using mods? can you observe this behavior in the unmoded game? i personaly have multiple copies of the game using different mods and the original unmoded on steam. I can see some mods making strange thing in the game (sometimes its a not a single mod but particular mod combination) I experienced a problem with duplicating of craft (resulting in explosion as they share the same space) or not be able to see a ship after switching from the tracking center (using map and back to focus view usualy repair this issue
  18. Im looking for the announced contracts. I would like to see some additional tweaks in the UI. like: statistical data and top records mainly for weigth put to orbit or maximal Gforce survived or top acceleration and also stats and some functionality for Kerbonauts to profile them for particular mission type. adding some ingame info about the planets adding biome map as an overlay to the planet map adding a program like naming and grouping of space launches (used for stats per program and filtering on map) adding some performance info during the design process in VAB. the subasembly section divide to boosters and payloads in the dialog provide filter and some info like weigth and performance instead of number of parts. Also a miniaturized icon (photo or schamatic) of the saved device/asembly should be visible from the load panel
  19. Im looking forward to the new contracts feature. I also read that some work on tutorial will be done. What if ..... ??? A tutorial will be integrated into the carear mode itself. In form of "tutorial contracts" which could be ignored by experience players, but for begines it should pay off to catch those type of contracts? I like the educatioanal potential of this game and Im pleased that the devs are having initiative to distribute it not only as a game but also as an educational tool. what do you think ....??? should there be more ingame content whith informations about orbital mechanics? If you sucessfully finish (or before you accept??) a tutorial contract a short page with some schema pictures (or animation) informing you about the real world scientific info of what you just achived (like first successfull achievment of kerbal orbit or first escape velocity reached, etc) in a way an lementary school would do. this report could be archived and view again later. Also some game carier related info could be provided inside - like you puzzle piece by piece the whole delta-v map for the kerbol system which can be there viwed in game??
  20. this could also provide some solution to discusions about difficulty level of the game. may be some predefined dificulty levels could be bind to specific mods colection - this can be usefull in multiplayer to establish several difrent experiences acording to player skills.
  21. Hello to all, i have read a few posts here which make a important shift in my opinion about modding and proposals for the base game. Many request are made for mods being transefered into the base game. My suggestion is simply but powerfull ingame User Interface for managing mods from online source. This could hopefully stop those request to occure (may be not :-) The basics of the interface should include: +List of modes from an online source which you can filter by some categories or author and then by check button you subsribe to this mod +Basic version compliance - this is what i would realy appreciate as i like some mods but game update usualy results in old mod making the game unstable. the mods published on the list should have a base game version compatibility info. this could be as good that only after all your subscibed mods are compatible to lates available game version you can hit a button which will update the game +automated download and integration of the mods (game restart posible) +UI and rule set for publishing As I have read the developers plan a backend for the future multiplayer - this could be the online platform for the list itself and UI for the mods developers to publish their works according to the publishing rules. Also as side effect you could think about the multiplayer with mods posibility im I right? posible features: +raiting and statitics for the developers. +anonymous usage stats for mods (mandatory or optional??) +integration with karbal spaceport +mods intercomatibility +online game update based on mods availability and compatibility +some advantages for devs publishing mods in official way (may be participation in closed beta tests before official update release??) +difficulity raiting for mods adding game complexity (remote tech, deadly reentry, BTSM) this proposal does not intend to replace the manual moding proces (this should stay) but to help with mods in general for beginers.
  22. it should be good to know the kerbals weight in the their stats :-) each kilo is counted for the orbit insertion or jet pack performance in gravity.
  23. Could you please make a sub-filter for the parts in construction or some kind of sorting via diameter i would like to have a diameter filter for all of the propulsion components (how to handle reduction adapters??) and maybe others.
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