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Posts posted by Cepheus

  1. He was doing config maintenance for Cepheus who released it under by nc sa who originally got it from rocket2guns who released it under a free license.

    He was doing a lot more than just config maintenance, mate; I haven't been personally involved in development since late July (hiatus because of school reasons). Dragon's done a lot of good things for this mod, so we'd best not downplay that. I don't know what he did to get banned, and I don't care. All's I know is that I don't want this mod to die. Raidernick has PM'd me, and since I like the work he's done with Skylab and Soyuz, I gave him the go-ahead.

    There is no reason to talk to dragon01 at all. This mod is not his to give.

    While you may have a point there, it's just tactful to talk to him, smooth things out, and clean up any loose ends.

  2. A temperature scan "in space" wouldn't be relevant to anything, you're just in the void. But on the surface of a body, you now have a frame of reference. So you would be able to say "the surface temperature on the Mun is _____."

    There are also Biomes on the Mun so you can do additional Temp readings from each.

    Well that's not exactly accurate: "the temperature X m away from the solar corona is YYYY Kelvins"

  3. From that it seems as if somehow the program is treating things like strings rather than numbers at some stage, so that the statement:

    set tVal to tVal + 0.02.

    Is interpreting the "+" sign as a string concatenation instead of as addition.

    It doesn't seem valid for it to be doing that. Try various different ways to express it to see if it helps getting KOS to stop treating 'tVal + 0.02' as a string.

    Before you do any operations on "tVal," you should say "set tVal to 0."This is what I do, it's worked for me. This is during a main engine startup sequence. It's a "smooth" throttle up, instead of an instant 0%->90%.


    print "Main Engine Start.".
    print "6". set t to t-1.
    set tVal to 0.
    lock throttle to tVal.

    until tVal > 0.9
    set tVal to tVal + 0.08.

    When you say "yaw freely" do you mean from live user input on the "A" and "D" keys, or from another variable in the script program somewhere? If it's live user input I don't think there's a way to do it, but if it's from another variable in the program there should be a way.

    I would like to know this as well. I know that

    lock steering to up + R(0,0,180).
    Lock steering to up + R(0,0,90).

    will cause the ship to roll, (while going straight vertical) but it does that far too slowly. Is there a workaround?

  4. what do you mean?

    Nevermind, I just figured it out. I'm used to C++, where you set a variable, tell the program to output a statement asking for the user to give an input for that variable, then have the program wait for an input. Instead, you can use an undeclared variable in a program, define it outside the program, and everything will be hunky dory.

  5. Hi folks, I know you haven't heard from me in a while. Good news is, I'm not dead. Bad news is that I'm not working on the project right now. I've hit a brick wall in development, and to progress, I need files that I simply don't have. So until I get them, there isn't much I can do, and I don't want to release version 6 without a proper internal and atmospheric flight.

  6. Cepheus, I PM-ed you with some info about CSS 6.00 testing a few days ago, did you receive that?
    Yes. It'll be fixed in the next test version, along with the excess fuel in the ET.

    For those who use MechJeb, I highly recommend using Sarbian's fork of mechjeb, here (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/47317-MechJeb-2-Patch-test-bed-release-%28August-31-bis%29). It's monumentally less wobbly, and is an overall improvement.

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