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Everything posted by Cepheus

  1. Protip: white text with a black outline is readable on any color.
  2. Compatibility for those has not been tested. Currently, the atmospheric flight dynamics leave a lot to be desired, so those two are relatively low priority.
  3. I've got things planned for an eventual update that are far beyond what's in that mod (functionality wise).
  4. Agreed. If the language was one derived from C, it would make this a lot more user friendly, I think.
  5. Any more news on this? I've got something I want to use it on, but I need to know if it'll be supported in the later versions of KSP.
  6. Any news on this? I've got something I want to use it on, but I need to know how much support it'll have in the later versions of KSP. (especially concerning clock speed, and the rest)
  7. Just read through this thread, and very impressive work. Amazing, really.
  8. You need to have lazor system. I didn't include that, as it isn't my mod, and it wouldn't be right to do so.
  9. That's odd. Is anyone else having problems with the forward RCS part? I just double checked the file, and it's in there. The only thing I can suggest at the moment is to redownload the pack and reinstall.
  10. Happy flying. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/css-50/
  11. Hey guys, there's been a bit of a snag with the balancing of the RCS system and the OMS engines. Essentially, docking is currently extremely hard (as in 11/10 difficulty). Everything else, however (launch/reentry) is working just fine. I'm about as anxious as the rest of you here.
  12. Alright guys, we're in the final testing stages. If all goes as planned, it'll be up on spaceport and ready for download as soon as tomorrow.
  13. Really? It seems pretty cool, and I'm all for working on things- and that's something I'd like to work on. I need to learn how this game works, now that my semester's over. I have TONS of free time now. I'm going to try and get these wings working on the CSS. I want to release this sucker already.
  14. There's a small chance that I'll be working with a modeler on a Dream Chaser. The guy was working on it for Orbiter, and offered me the chance to be part of it. Also DON'T ASK ABOUT RELEASE.
  15. http://youtu.be/USCDuijW6j4?t=7m40s That's essentially how i'm testing the flight of this guy. (skip to 7:40)
  16. Hellllooooooo. I know, this is a bit brash of me, but if you're interested in working with the CSS team, we need modelers, and we've got some ambitious plans.
  17. Oh my, this is nice. Problem is, you can't "build" things in there.
  18. I didn't know you were doing that. Shoot me a pm with your progress, would you?
  19. I don't think that's a good idea. Believe you me, you'll end up with posts/PMs saying "YOUR MOD SUCKS, I CANT RUN IT, MAKE IT BETTER." It's happened before, and I'm just trying to save you some headache.
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