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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. It's a KSP build in magic, and changes not only robotic parts symmetry but all ship controls. It depends on which node you control from.
  2. Create issues, feature requests etc at github: https://github.com/sirkut/InfernalRobotics/issues
  3. The default joint forces is resseting in some cases I don't know why is that happening, need deeper investigation. Im played with it some time ago, and decided to wait next sirkut update to part module. As a quick fix i suggest not reset default joint forces but just change the connected body to dummy etc: GameObject dummy = new GameObject(); dummy.transform.position = attachJoint.Joint.connectedBody.transform.position; attachJoint.Joint.connectedBody = dummy.AddComponent<Rigidbody>(); // Rigid body mass connot be zero so set it to min attachJoint.Joint.connectedBody.mass = float.MinValue; attachJoint.Joint.connectedBody.useGravity = false;
  4. Good idea! I made a simple gizmos, easily to extend.
  5. Direct link and for all future versions https://github.com/sirkut/InfernalRobotics/raw/master/Parts/MagicSmokeIndustries.zip
  6. IR Rotatron Test 1 - Yes, bottom must be connected. By plugin logic bottom is always connected staticaly, it will be rewriten later. IRTEST2 is broken because Gantry Varian connected to beam by top, Granty Variant top is opposite common Granty top. And Granty Varian together with Granty cause veird things. IR Hinge _ Rail Test 1 - Bottom issue again.
  7. sirkut, i will be glad if you continue your github repo so anyone can easily create an issue and contribute to. Also vcs provide many useful features.
  8. Made some chages here. Testers welcome. One bug currently not invetigated is if you connect Gantry and Gantry Variant together, maybe more. Hope it helps.
  9. In some case it will not work. Because the (attachJoint.Joint.connectedBody == parent.Rigidbody) maybe true. Ive dig into a method where parts are attached. And if: nodeToParent.size <= nodeFromParent.size joint will connect in opposite direction and as result: riggidBody and connectedBody will be switched. This explains most weird things like magic force moving base, because we rotate/translate base itself xD
  10. This happens if parts in SRF_ATTACH attachMode revert it's translate/rotate axises. That i don't understand for now. We can simply revert axis for for SRF_ATTACH but its weird xD
  11. Good to see the new update. I've make some tests with modifications. Test craf from ObsessedWithKSP. After more deeper source investigations and unity docs smoking i've found one of mistake, we cannot just substract or sum anchor and connectedAnchor vectors, bc they are in different spaces local spaces, anchor is a joint.RiggidBody local and connectedAnchor is a joint.connectetBody space. The thing i don't understand is why rotating models have sometimes has different behavior on anchor positionint than translating models. Maybe its its models problem, but i dont have models sources, so cant test it, or it's ksp scene import behavior.
  12. As i say before to make correct axis work you need to tune in the corresponding cfg file part section value with name "translateAxis" or "rotateAxis".
  13. Hey, sirkut. This is good plugin so can't just walk through. I've forked forgoten repo (https://github.com/sirkut/InfernalRobotics), update to 0.12 and made some changes as BGog42 says to https://github.com/omgnull/InfernalRobotics. Most of things returns to live, some probem still exists - could not get valid pivot vector for IR_HingeTall while stack on side. Also some parts cfg need to be tuned for "translateAxis" and "rotateAxis". Source and compiled version included, PR can be done if needed. Glad if I can help.
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