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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Cannot seem to find any where in the API about the IVA Camera, (PodCockpit) so I can render the iva camera in a separate window. http://anatid.github.io/XML-Documentation-for-the-KSP-API/class_map_view.html
  2. Lorentz !!!!!!!!! Looking forward to it send me a PM when you upload a alpha I will check out Also great mod so amazing, it can be used for a lot of things.
  3. Tested it out, working on my end. (Just the create black on the right seems to not be working, looks garbled but the windows do work)
  4. Best of luck. Let me know if you need help, I would be happy to lend a hand. (I am a C# programmer) I am go to pull latest tonight and take a look at the code.
  5. I like your idea, multi windows would be nice add on. How about multipuple cameras? (IVA one screen, Overview one screen,Map one screen) I would be super happy if it went this far.
  6. Good job! Really happy with this!!!!!!!!! Any idea of transferring images or live camera with the API? (IE, camera or screenshots or getting "kerbal raster prop monitor" textures)
  7. Its been a while but always kept a eye on this plugin and "Go at throttle up". Hope to be able to do a lan party with it soon one day.
  8. Yah he is still alive! I cant wait to see more stuff!
  9. Well I understand work I have been very busy as well. Looking forward to more updates....!!!!!!!!
  10. Good job. FYI Do you need to really set every frame? Maybe try to register for a event event. Update: Update() is called once per frame. It is the main workhorse function for frame updates.
  11. Have fun! Going to have friends over this weekend for KSP larping.
  12. It does work for other networks. Networking 101... 1. Figure out your Public Netwrok IP assigned -- http://www.whatismyip.com/ 2. Figure out your Local IP Adress. Open up DOS command prompt , type ipconfig. Get your local IP Address. 3. Google port forwarding for your router. Set up to forward all communication for Port 8080 to that local IP Address. 4. Setup firewall to allow python to connect to public 5. Give your friends the public IP Address http://[PUBLICIPADRESS]/static/lights.html And done. I tested it and not to much lag.
  13. Good job. On my side I enabled it so you can have a chase camera as extra camera. Going to also see if I can send the rendered data from what is on the clients screen. Good job. Using the chase camera with real max FPS and other cameras with low FPS works great. You going to have a API to send commands KSP?
  14. Cant wait to see what damage I can do. How many hours of coding did it take you get this far?
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