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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I've recently added a second module and it does not check the contract requirement of the new ship w/ antennae, etc., while it did have it checked for the first contract I built it for. Thanks guys, I'll just pay back 100k
  2. I've recently begun construction of a station for transit to Eve for a contract, but I recently got a contract for a station around the Sun. I've checked and the requirements are exactly the same, and my station/ship will transit to the Sun's orbit, but I'm not sure if it would count as a new ship, as only half of it has been docked and prepped in orbit. Is it considered a new ship once you add another module to it? (I have two more to go). I'd like to hit two birds with one stone to make the most profit. Thanks!
  3. I think there should be a way of actually changing the look of the area on a celestial surface during an eclipse. Normally on Kerbin, during a solar eclipse, the ground you are on still feels like daytime, but in real life it looks like dusk. There should also be lunar eclipses, when Kerbin passes in front of the Mun and sun, and the Mun would turn red. Realistically, any other body in KSP should have this event if the sizes and distances are correct, and possibly varying effects on the planets. Just a suggestion that would be a cool and realistic feeling to KSP. In that image, the vehicle and the ground area that should have been shadowed are still bright as normal. Theoretically, the same thing should happen as when orbiting vehicles are on the night side of planets... they go dark. This should happen as well with the surfaces of planetary bodies (in select areas) and vehicles in those areas.
  4. Same issue, I need to patch it and can't download where I currently am for the life of me, would like to figure out why it wont work.
  5. I think that hype will really pick up if they plan on adding multiplayer or new planets
  6. Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo serial number one, or VSS Enterprise, disintegrated on Friday, and I decided to make a tribute to Virgin and the crew. I made a stock, fully functional system, with a launcher and a plane which both fly on their own, best simulating the real deal. With more than enough fuel to get over 100KM, it is a pretty accurate representation, though without the feathering system. You can watch for yourself how it flies: Download it here: http://www.curse.com/shareables/kerbal/225410-spaceshipk
  7. When I start a launch, it goes well, until I'm either in orbit or on a sub-orbital trajectory, which suddenly, I can't activate me next stage. It isn't an issue with my space bar, I tested it out on another page, what is causing this and how do I fix it? I haven't seen anyone else with this problem at the moment.
  8. Just 20 minutes ago, I had a kerbal on EVA on the Mun, he hit the ground too hard and went into ragdoll mode, and when he was getting up, the screen went black, and numbers were rolling on the altitude bar. It stopped at 666,666 and when I came back from restarting, ALL of my ships were gone. I actually saw this on one of Robbaz's videos yesterday.
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