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Everything posted by MrHatty

  1. I have another compatibility request if anyone has the time. The OPT Space Plane Parts pack. I've been messing about with them in a stock game file and they're pretty cool parts, if a bit OP in my opinion. I'm taking a crack at a config myself, but since they have somewhat of a similar infrastructure to the new B9 parts where as the tanks can be configured as RCS, LFO, or standard fuel tanks from just one part, I'm not really sure if I need to do anything special to ensure they will actually work like they should with the mod. Anyone willing to give it a try? The cockpits seem to be compatible with Real Fuels right out of the box (as well as TAC life support happily). http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/225018-opt-space-plane-parts-v1-4
  2. Thanks for this. I can never seem to get it right myself. Probably something noobish I'm doing, lol. Now this thing has potential to be a starship
  3. Parts look fantastic for a starship Any chance of support for Real Fuels?
  4. Has anyone by chance started work on compatibility with the Mark IV Space Plane System from Nertea? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/101699-0-25-Mark-IV-Spaceplane-System-%282-5m-aircraft-fuselage%29
  5. At the risk of sounding like the complete dunce in this thread.... I've been spending the past 4 1/2 hours reading over the documentation, and have to admit that configuring this mod as far as what switches and buttons does what goes completely over my head. This is a fantastic mod, but there are a few things I'd like to change and as well detailed and well written as the documentation is on it, for guys like me who know very little about how a mod works and how to configure cfg's and such, anyone that can "dumb it down" so that I can better understand it would be greatly appreciated. And as to ensure I don't take up space on this thread for those that know what they're doing, I ask that someone simply pm me and I'll fill you in on the details on what I'm looking for then. To give just a little background since installing this mod, I did make some color changes to the navball display. The deep blue does a very good job of keeping the maneuver node indicator hidden from me, so I had to lighten that up just a little bit to better distinguish the marker for maneuver nodes. Other than that, making adjustments to this thing is completely over my head. Thank you for hearing my plea and I hope someone can help me out.
  6. Having an issue where I cannot scroll in the GUI when I have a tank selected.
  7. Okay, so I'm a little confused here about how to install the stock engine.cfg's. Click the link but it takes me to the raw file. Call me a noob when it comes to installing mods (I'm too used to drag and drop where as this seems a bit more involved). I'm guessing that I need these .cfgs in order to get my engines to be interchangable between tech level and fuel type they can use (herp derp)
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