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Everything posted by 0111narwhalz

  1. Alright, in that case you can complain as vigorously as you like.
  2. If there are weapons mods, I am almost certain that there are spawning mods too. I believe there are weapon-flavored things lategame as well, by the way. Also, this has the same resolution as the MJ argument: It's a single-player game. Play it how you want.
  3. Please do not use flash photography. It may spook the moderators.
  4. Incidentally, the square bracket notation means something very particular: "narrow" transcription. That means you're supposed to use all the weird IPA diacritics. If you don't want to use all those, use forward slashes ("broad" transcription). Then you just have to use enough diacritics and special symbols to distinguish phonemes in a particular language. If the language in question doesn't distinguish between, say, [p] and [pʰ], you can use the broad /p/ without hazard. Otherwise, you'd have to use the right narrow one to describe exactly how the phone is actually articulated.
  5. Banned for having a clipped signature.
  6. Banned because I'm not sure if you did this on purpose.
  7. If you could swap just two edges, you could add onto the corner-and-edge swap algorithm and make a corner-only algorithm. Since we know a corner-only algorithm is impossible, we know an edge-only algorithm is also impossible. Or at least, it looks that way from here. I'm not a cubist.
  8. Yeah, but the ezh is harder to type and I don't feel like looking up the combining tie symbol, or whatever it's called.
  9. The IPA /j/ is more like the German "j" or English "y." The English "j" is represented as /dz/. I assume by this you mean /ʃamp'anskaje/? In any case, the way to spell that would be something like "shampanskaye," which, while certainly a mouthful, isn't too hard.
  10. This edit came after my first reply. A blob of clay is not expensive. And you don't even need anything fancy to deal with clay, unless you plan to fire it—and if you're as absolutely terrible as you think, you won't need to fire anything! Clay being clay, you'll also be able to cannabalize all your early attempts with little to no cost to the condition of the material.
  11. Well, you're not going to get any better by not doing it. Besides, you can handle a pencil, can you not?
  12. Banned for caring so much about fonts, and then not using a monospaced font.
  13. Banned for not noticing that there is something in them. It's just cut off by the signature's maximum height.
  14. 1. Make them bigger 2. Add more 3. Switch to treads; see ① and ②
  15. I don't understand this categorical dismissal of "physical tasks." A glob of clay isn't that expensive, and you won't be good at things to begin with. That's only because you haven't done it creatively. Writing a great algorithm requires at least as much creativity as hardcore calculus. You have to figure things out, make intuitive leaps, push the boundraries of your knowledge and the machine's performance. More conventionally, you could write stuff for a game or something, which is most definitely a creative process. Then do! If you don't have a phone with a camera, pick up a cheapo point and shoot. That's fair. Still, it might be worth a shot if you just can't get the thing in your head down with a pencil. They're not for everybody, but they might be worth a shot. At the very least you can describe the things you imagine so that you don't forget them by the time you stop feeling crappy about your art skills. Who knows, maybe you'll jostle something loose and regain your confidence.
  16. What do you mean? You don't have the equipment? Or you don't have the skills? The former takes money (or a lot of time), the latter takes time. Other media you might want to explore include paint, words, papercraft, clay sculpting, photography, programming… Most of them have relatively low entry costs, with the possible exception of painting.
  17. Easy way to do it is probably just to stick your rocket on another rocket, and tune the apoapsis upon ascent before jettisoning it and proceeding with your real rocket. Starting a plane at altitude is likely to result in problems, because many planes in KSP require ram compression to get enough intake air, especially at altitude—some even require it on the ground. Even if the engines are able to start, you'll have problems getting enough air under your wings—the only reason planes can fly at the low pressures of the upper atmosphere is because of their great speed. Launching a rocket from altitude is probably feasable—however, very little of what is gained from Stratolaunch is due to altitude. Much more important is the "free" velocity. This is not accounted for in a static launch from high altitude. Finally, 3kg is really light for anything in KSP. You're going to need either a sounding rocket pack or Tweakscale to examine that regime with any kind of accuracy.
  18. I just looked in the source of KSPNameGen, which was taken from… somewhen around 1.2? I'm not actually sure where the names are kept.
  19. That's odd, I don't see a "-min" in the suffices. Wonder if that's a new one.
  20. Granted, but it turns out that being enlightened doesn't actually help that much. I wish for the skills necessary to draw the occaisional foot or shoe.
  21. Granted. Have fun being a force carrier—or at least you would have fun, if not for the pesky problem of not experiencing any time. Power to throw projectiles with pinpoint accuracy, even in atmosphere, regardless of their size.
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