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Everything posted by FleshJeb

  1. FARtists... Also, would you mind taking a look at my nipples?
  2. Banned for having floppy rockets.
  3. Thanks. I think I'm going to try to stick to the spirit of the challenge/realism and not focus on the points. No jets, no munar jetpacks; 1960s tech and techniques; minimize dV/mass; add safety, redundancy and the ability to complete/survive the mission in case of malfunction. I assume the Armstrong Memorial counts as an Anomaly? I can hit that one from memory, it requires minimal inclination change, and it's near the edge of two biomes. Crap, now I need to download 0.90...
  4. FYI, you can lock the payload tanks in the VAB. Not a perfect solution but it works well. It also gives you correct dV readouts for the other stages.
  5. How 60s NASA-y do you want it? I can easily build an SSTM and back spaceplane that will double as a rover. 100% recovery - fuel If that's too cheaty, may we recover our Kerbin Ascent / Munar Transfer stage separately? I'm thinking free-return trajectory to the Mun, and land that with parachutes or powered.
  6. No sweat. Gotta start somewhere, and they're quite good. Build & Fly, but use time acceleration liberally. Manley did it:
  7. Just watched the Gull vids--The insights were great, but the failures were fascinating. I can't run FAR (I'm already lagging above 75 parts), so it's really interesting to see how it all works.They could do with some editing or time compression. (I realize that's more work for you). That said, having the whole mission in real-time allows a lot more detailed and interesting commentary. --"The next minute or two would have had to be entirely language-filtered." --Jebediah's PTSD --"The metaphysical nature of Kerbal resurrection"
  8. That's a good idea. I'd have things like Ascent, Landing, Transfer. I'm a little rusty on the stage sorting logic, but named stages might get wonky when docking and undocking.
  9. KER's calcs flame out on me frequently. I always compare to MechJeb. If they don't agree, I throw it in a spreadsheet. Combined ISP: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Cheat_sheet#Combined_specific_impulse_.28Isp.29
  10. Apologies for short post, I'm at work. KSP Parachute Calculator: http://ksp.freeiz.com/
  11. That would be a really nice Quality of Life feature. Count me in on this suggestion.
  12. This is either the best or the worst raid I've ever been on... :-D All hail RIC!
  13. Do you think that would work using structural pylons as the wing attachment? I don't have time to even try it out for the next two weeks, otherwise I'd do it myself.
  14. That's not true. Air intakes produce drag, and can affect the COD significantly. I have a stunt plane that uses toggleable intakes to change its maneuverability and stability.
  15. I'd like to see a lightweight narrative for the Kerbal universe, a la NovaSilisko's plans. Right now there's no reason to do anything and career mode is completely uninspired.
  16. Holy crap! More please. I was having flashbacks to Saturday morning cartoons, except this was way WAY better. I just want to curl up with a bowl of cereal and watch a whole season of these. Also really liked the Pixie Mk2 vid. The music choice was perfect.
  17. Do you have multiple copies of your Squad folder in Gamedata?
  18. Note the higher impact resistance on the NCS. I actually wish they'd keep the weight and bump the impact to 80m/s. I use them for the ends of my seaplane floats. Trying to land a fully-loaded seaplane at <40m/s is tough.
  19. Drawn for a specific case, but you get the gist of it: EDIT: Equation: LAUNCHANG = arctan (ORBVEL sine(INCLIN) / (ORBVEL cosine(INCLIN) - SIDEREALV * cosine(LATITUDE)))
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