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Everything posted by Moesly_Armlis

  1. This concept reminds me of a vessel I was toying around with on Mun. By retracting a landing strut to control direction I was using the landing legs to jump into the air. The craft was a light probe and had no fuel and another biome was close. It worked but was very slow. Now if I were to design a craft to just hop now that just might be a challenge.
  2. That question implies you have not read through the entirely of this thread. Yes building outside the VAB and SPH is encouraged. With the new wheel physics it might be more of a challenge.
  3. That is an excellent idea about the star map. I can certainly help out I remember reading an article here on the forums about naming the constellations but unable to find it. Anybody know what the chances are that the stock star field will change? Another question is: at what distance can planets be sighted? Starting up KSP and going to use the alt + mouse wheel to try and sight a planet from LKO. edit: These are pictures taken from kerbol orbit. The target was set for Duna and the camera oriented towards the target. Pictures were taken over 11 days. No transit was found. Used a kerbal because I thought his eyesight was better. http://imgur.com/a/8XeTI Only way to see a distant planet is through map view. The question is at what distance do planets become visible? Traveling away from Kerbin the planet is reduced to just a couple of pixels at a distance of 2000 Mm. The Distance Object Enhancement mod would be needed along with a telescope mod to make this type of navigation happen. If anyone has a solution to navigation using just the stock game info please advise. I am pondering that by measuring the angles from on screen could yield a method.
  4. Having a first tier Tracking Station and Mission Control can make interplanetary journeys a challenge. Planning an interplanetary journey involves calculating the phase angle of the destination along with the required delta v needed for the injection. Theses are some questions that I have for the community: How to calculate if an encounter will happen? What information is needed to calculate a mid course correction? Can this be done within a stock KSP? These questions are not really about gameplay because the obvious answer would be to upgrade the Tracking Station and Mission Control. I am under the impression that calculating and plotting a course correction in stock KSP is not possible. The information needed is located in mods such as KER. This proposed mod might address this issue but I am still looking for feedback. The method described in the video is something I would want to try including the calculations. I understand that wanting to do this within KSP is inconceivable to earth bound navigators.
  5. To post albums from imagur I use the icon at the top right and paste in the album code 7P1eW Topaz can be tough; no more quicksave or revert. Your vessel naming scheme is very
  6. Dres Asteroids Do asteroid spawn regardless if the tracking station has been upgraded or been destroyed? The situation could entail a refinery orbiting around 20,000 km from Dres and the tracking station is destroyed. Could another unknown object spawn if within physics range? They can be sighted once within physics range. This was performed on a known and tracked asteroid. This Class C just popped into existence once within physics range. Using the Alt + Mouse wheel for changing the field of view can help look for transits.
  7. After some brief research on navigation in interplanetary space this video sums up the idea and equipment required. See time 6:45 and 16 minutes. Navigation through sighting is of interest only as the Kerbin based navigation is of course the upgraded Tracking Station. The computer seems to create a maneuver node similar to the upgraded Mission Control. Guidance and Navigation Station Components: Scanning Telescope Sextant Digital Computer Inertial Measurement Unit Using the Scanning Telescope and the Sextant to obtain course correction information that the Digital Computer and Inertial Measurement Unit then create a maneuver node. Multiple sightings increase the accuracy. The Scanning Telescope and Sextant seem to be dependent on each other and could be one part. The Digital Computer preforms the calculation and sets the direction while the Inertial Measurement Unit measures the delta V required and produced. It should be possible to to use the Scanning Telescope and Sextant only and the calculations are done by the navigator.
  8. While playing KSP I say thank you [insert kookie kerbal name] when a kerbal does something heroic and sorry [insert kookie kerbal name] when a kerbal is hurt. Also thanking Gene when a special contract is offered. The rumbling of Niagara Falls now reminds me of Mammoth engines firing full throttle.
  9. Target Separation and Target Location markers should always be visible Different colours for intersect 1 and intersect 2. Colour grading for near separation. Targeting a vessel or planet and pinning the indicator to show the separation distance is common when plotting a rendezvous. Then while making adjustments to the maneuver node and as it gets within 10 km the indicator disappears and now needs to be pinned. The indicators once pinned should remain visible. The indicators for intersect 1 are red and for intersect 2 the indicators are orange. Having different colours would make them easier to differentiate. Changing colours or tint of the indicators when separation is within 10 km could also make targeting easier.
  10. There is a jockey around here that would also agree. @IncongruousGoat Your badge is in the mail. Sorry for the late posting but the rocks circling Dres have been calling to an old caveman like me. Over the last couple weeks I have been planning an asteroid hunt around Dres. The mission became even more interesting since KSP 1.1.3 added sparkly asteroids. The mission has been simulated and uses technology far too fancy for a caveman. Dresteroid Hunt Album Sadly no true caveman can ever capture an asteroid because in order for any to spawn an upgraded tracking station is required. edit: maybe this ^^ needs confirmation.
  11. Found this cyan Class D sparkly asteroid hanging around Dres.
  12. I have been planning an asteroid hunt in the neighborhood of Dres. After some practice in KSP 1.1.2 and with the new KSP 1.1.3 I rebuilt the fleet and headed towards Dres. A circular orbit of 19,000 km was established and the first Asteroid discovered was a Class C. An intercept with the asteroid was plotted. Attaching the large vessel to the asteroid had no issues and the resources reclaiming begun. The asteroid search and recover fleet ( 4 SRT L and 4 SRT and 4 SRT X) was refueled and sent to find and intercept asteroids. This first asteroid was then pulled to 200 km orbit using a SRT L and the remaining vessel headed toward a Class D asteroid. The second asteroid discovered was another Class C and was pulled down to a lower orbit using a SRT L. The Third asteroid was a Class D and the two Sabres (asteroid haulers) and the two Stryders (ISRU) were refueled. Sabre 1 was sent towards the discovered Class E asteroid and Sabre 2 is headed toward a lower orbit. Stryder 2 and the Big Haul remained and are waiting for the Gorgon Asteroid lander to dock and refuel. While all this was happening SRT X1 intercepted another class D asteroid and is the first sparkly asteroid I found. This cyan sparkly is being pulled down to a 7000 km and is the beginning of my collection.
  13. Here is another cubic octag function; boost up engines such as Mammoth and Twin Boar. Connect cubic octag or similar and then connect engine to the node. Translate gizmo part into place. Two or more engines can stack; turn shroud off through part action menu. Use the Brake Action Group to shut down Twin Boar and similar engines when in upper atmosphere.
  14. So very glad you finished the update. I was just about to start up KSP when I though better check if KAC is ready and to my pleasant surprise it is. i am going to Dres for an asteroid hunt and have sixteen vessels that would be a nightmare to manage without this mod. Awesome!
  15. I have been working on an operation at Dres that involved claiming asteroids and then hauling to the surface. Last night instead of rebooting the save file i decided to work in the VAB/SPH for CTD testing purposes and rebuilt the entire fleet. Had positive results and the usual CTD that plagued 1.1.2 seem to be gone. Went for the all in one launch and standing by orbiting Kerbin Now really pumped to find a sparklyroid and collect all the different specimens. After seeing the new asteroid type I am still not convinced that it is "the magic boulder" and we need confirmation from Ike.
  16. After poking around Dres and the asteroids i encountered * Fixed Asteroids all spawning with a mass of 150t, regardless of class. * Fixed asteroids sometimes appearing to be pitch black while being seemingly immune to light when rotated at certain angles. Glad to see this fixed.
  17. @Ultimate Steve The Colosus is cool. Have you considered a kerbal riding inside of the tube? Exceptional detail on the build. I admire the top canopy and the queue. Plus it has a safety fence. @DoctorDavinci That Ferris Wheel (what I refer to as a bueller cause FBDO) should have some kerbals riding. Line Queue Problem is having to disembark kerbals from the Mk3 passenger module. Doing so one at time is tedious. I could put a suggestion but maybe there is a mod for this already. Crew Manifest is close but no cigar. I have clicked repeatedly on the EVA button and have experienced kerbals popcornning out of the service hatch but is inconsistent. Anyone know if a mod for having multiple kerbals exit the vehicle exist? Anyone?
  18. When you are finished with the merry go round you could then alter it and make a Gravitron. Mods are alllowed The only problem is when trying to assemble them all into one park. Stock will make this easier. But if you need a mod to make the ride happen go for it. I can see that Infernal Robotics and KAS would add some options. In fact my hopes is that someone will take up the idea of a KAP mod pack that could have details such as : Placards and Pennants Ballons You need to be this tall to ride sign. Bouncy Castle Cotton Candy Ring Toss Queues Skee Ball Concessions Stands Bathrooms more ideas from RCT.
  19. Of course. Just to let you know I will be working on a big bueller next.
  20. Safety is priority number one. We are not talking about the human amusement program.
  21. This is a design challenge. Can you build an amusement park ride that is safe for the kerbals to enjoy? This Hylper loop was created by SWDennis. My lil bueller. While creating the lil Bueller I was pondering how a Kerbal Amusement Park would resemble. If you are able to build a stock amusement ride please submit the craft file and I will assemble them all into a Kerbal Amusement Park. Also submit any requests for rides. Look here at the List of Amusement Rides Wikipedia. Listing of rides that should be achievable in a stock game. Possible Stock Rides Bumper Cars Bumper Boats Carousel Freefall Mechanical Bull Pirate Ship (pendulum) Rainbow Red Baron Rock O Plane Space Shot Speed Tea Cup Saucer Tilt-A-Whirl The Enterprise The Whip Tunnel of Love Completed Rides Lil Bueller [Stock] - Moesly Armlis
  22. After seeing this challenge and having experience from the caveman challenge has made me interested in navigation based on observation. To not upgrade the tracking complex makes traveling difficult. There is not much issue for Kerbin's moons but one can get lost in the interplanetary space. Calculating an insertion to another planet can and does work. The way I understand to navigate is that there would be over a period of time to gather many sightings of the target and other known bodies and based on this and the location of the vessel a maneuver could be calculated. Does this already exist in some other mod? Can a mod be created that could somehow offer this type of navigation?
  23. Not too long ago I made a craft that was returning to kerbin from a Mun science run and the design called for a service bay sandwich. On the lander I docked another service bay along with fuel for the trip. Heat shields block fuel flow and service bays seem to manage re-entry without them. When entering the atmosphere the command pod and Materials Science module was in the middle and never got scorched. When entering the thicker atmosphere the vessel lost control but was regained when the bay doors at the "back" were opened and acted as drag which righted the vessel. The re-entry happened at night and it seemed the vessel was over the highlands and I was suspecting that mountains were next. Having the doors opened certainly saved Jebediah from rolling down the mountain.
  24. Fuel flow can sometimes be an issue when attaching radial fuel tanks. By placing a cubic octag or something similar then use the connection node of the fuel tank to the connection node of the cubic octag. The result is fuel can be pulled from the inner tank. This works well if you plan on staging them and for that use a stack decoupler attached in between to the cubic octag and fuel tank. To evenly distribute the fuel place a fuel duct from the outside tank to the inside. Fuel will flow to the engines (not shown) and outside tanks will be the first to go dry. When separating in atmosphere be certain to prograde vertically or use the gizmo tool and rotate the separator outwards and straighten the fuel tanks. To save mass and funds use the smallest separator and use a strut.
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