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    Curious George

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  1. Though I just noticed possible dealbreaker issue with LH2. I assume natural background evaporation isn't a part of the mod. It seems that on very fast warp speeds (waiting for transfer window kind) - electric charge starts to depleet faster than it accumulates. And I have over 70000 units in different batteries specifically testing the issue. I put in small fission reactor generating additional 60ec/s. But it seems that on high warp ec consumption for cooling the tanks calculated wrong? Loosing half the tank waiting for transfer window is kinda not OK. https://imgur.com/a/tjFbFJc Update: Nevermind on that. I found multiple forum threads confirming that power generation/consumption in warp is stock KSP issue. Which is kinda strange for finished game.
  2. I went with flying LH2 moon option. Was quite a sight launching this thing in orbit, but it did give 10 km/s of delta/V in the end. Of course its also costs a ton in comparison.
  3. Is it me, or Neptune engine is just not viable? It does have better thrust than NERV, but apparently requires a small moon-sized fuel tank filled with LN2 to just have a couple km/s of delta-V. From the point of craft size its easier to have multiple NERVs than even one neptune.
  4. Does landing assistance not work with latest versions of mechJeb/KSP? Autopilot just seems to do random burns that just mess up orbit
  5. So I haven't played for years and went all-in with mods, which got me a bit confused. How do ion engines work with KSPI-E? They only needed propellant and electric charge before, but now simple ion engine is somehow connected to MW outputs? Simple test probe on screenshot does not use any xenon at all and does not produce even nN of thrust. https://imgur.com/a/zVyKGOX
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