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Everything posted by JPLRepo

  1. Updated to V0.25 fixes the pink/black cryopod glass. Also made some improvements in performance and garbage generation in the freezer modules. Please make sure you also udpate Advanced Transparent Pods to V0.1.19 if you use that mod with DeepFreeze.
  2. Released V0.1.19 which fixes the transparent/pink shaders issue.
  3. No logs = NO support. See the OP. you need to supply me with more information.
  4. also for EliteMaster512 and everyone else seeing this issue - which will only occur if you have my advanced transparents pod mod also installed alongside Deepfreexe : You can't fix it, but I have identified the problem. I will try to release a patch in the next couple of days.
  5. Try this: in the part.cfg file for the parts you are having problems add the transparentShaderName line as follows: MODULE { name = JSIAdvTransparentPod transparentShaderName = Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Diffuse } Seems the Old Transparent Specular shader is no longer being distributed with KSP. Let me know how that goes, and if it works I will release an update with the fix so that this shader is the default.
  6. Oh maybe you're right. In that case, @NotConor Start your favorite 3D modelling software. Create your 3D model. Export it and make it into a KSP part (lots of tutorials on the forum about how to do that). Create your new part's cfg file. Add the TACGenericConverter PartModule to the part's cfg file and define the input resources you want to use to manufacture Glykerol. In the output resources specify Glykerol. Also define the input ratios and output ratios in those definitions for how much of resource X, Y,Z creates how much of Glykerol. Profit.
  7. Sure is. Start your favorite 3D modelling software. Create your 3D model. Export it and make it into a KSP part (lots of tutorials on the forum about how to do that). Create your new part's cfg file. Add the Glykerol resource to it. Done.
  8. Doesn't surprise me. Do you see that particular mod listed in the supported mods list in the OP? Not currently No Logs. So I can't help. I have no idea what a Lynx_drillrear is or what mod that is. But I do know - it's not a mod this mod supports.
  9. Hmm.. was working fine for me yesterday. Edit/Update: I looked at your log. .lots of errors. Can I suggest you try with just Deepfreeze and JSI Advanced transparent pods only in a separate copy of the game and see if you still have the error or not. IF not - it's some other mod causing the issue. If it still is occurring let me know. Because running Deepfreeze and JSI advanced transparent pods on my machine and it works fine with 1.6.1.
  10. Oh... hmm. could be onto something there... it looks like if the output of any Tac recycler is set to dump excess it doesn't shutdown.... which is correct. and so it will keep consuming the input resources forever and dumping the output into space.. which is how it would work when the active vessel. and how it would work with the unloaded vessel processing I added.. Yet you say this is not happening when it is the active vessel? which doesn't make sense.
  11. v0.13.12.0 released for KSP 1.6.x - Note changes to unloaded resource processing. Re-compile for KSP 1.6.x Added support for Near Future fission Generator in Unloaded Resource processing. Added support for TacGenericConvertor in Unloaded Resource processing. - NB: does not factor in crew bonuses in resource calcs for unloaded vessels. Added support for ModuleResourceConverter's that produce ElectricCharge ONLY (eg: FuelCell) in Unloaded Resource processing. - NB: does not factor in crew bonuses in resource calcs for unloaded vessels. Fix ModuleTestSubject configuration for the revamped pod parts.
  12. They never have showed in the crew roster section. Because EC and O2 is vessel based... not per kerbal.
  13. I wouldn't know because my security warned me - as this is not a trusted certificate or site. So I can't know it's a text file.. because I won't click it. That said, and as mentioned earlier, Pull Requests against Github can be reviewed for inclusion and are always welcome. I really do appreciate the efforts. Let's see if I can add what you have asked for in the upcoming update. Also, this request had been raised before.. https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/issues/118
  14. go to the pause menu, select settings option. Then the difficulty settings button at the top. TACLS settings will be shown when you select it on the left side of the difficulty settings window.
  15. I’ll try to make some of my free time available to update this in the next week.
  16. I’ll try to make some of my free time available to update this in the next week.
  17. No logs... no support. No logs = no support. I’ll try to make some of my free time available to updat this in the next week.
  18. Sorry but this patch breaks so many rules. a) where’s the source code? B) your link is an unsafe site so there’s no way I’m clicking it. c) you can submit a PR, but as you’ve said you don’t know c#, nor a github account. You probably should just leave it. If you insist on leaving this out there then you have to follow the forum rules and supply license, source code, etc. or you could wait and gain enough support from other users that I might add it.
  19. I’d prefer you didn’t release builds of my mod thanks. Especially for such a minor problem.
  20. That was purely coincidental.. that you decided to do that whilst the KSP website was being upgraded. It should be there again now.
  21. it was due to the website being upgraded and refreshed. Should be there again now.
  22. KSP does not use N-Body physics. All planets are on rails. As stated above. Therefore it does not need G in any orbit calculations. It stores a gravParameter for each CelestialBody in their Unity prefabs. So, if you want to know what it is you can divide CelestialBody.gravParameter by CelestialBody.mass for any given planet. It's 6.67408e-11 btw.
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