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Everything posted by wreckreation

  1. Thanks for that info - I'll be sure to mention it next time. I have not dived into those particular waters, yet. It's on my to-do list but, life, y'know? Best bet is to ask some of the more experienced and talented folks around here. As you've probably inferred from the above, it's not my mod, it belongs to Gaius Goodspeed (all hail!) - who seems to be taking a sabbatical at the moment. Life, again, I think. For the ore detector you might need the Kethane mod, I'm not sure. I already had Kethane installed when I downloaded these parts; the ore detector just worked, right out of the box.The rocket parts container is for use with Extraplanetary LaunchPads. You can store the parts you make with EPL in this container.
  2. Awesome! And no bother at all. What was the issue, and how did you solve it?
  3. Elaborating just a bit on what Shania_L said above: First you need Module Manager. It allows parts to be modified on the fly, as the game loads. Then unzip the Goodspeed patch into the GameData folder that's in the Kerbal Space Program folder. If you downloaded KSP directly, it might be e.g. C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData. If you downloaded it through Steam, it might be e.g. G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData. Voila!
  4. Awesome tool! Well, hypothetically, for me at least: I am greatly saddened to report that CKAN won't work for me, either the GUI or the CLI. I'm getting the same kinds of errors as Poldi (post #481) and yeliabmit (post #483). I've submitted an issue on CKAN's github page (issue #736). Edit: I'm still on windows xp. AlexanderDzhoganov was kind enough to enlighten me that on windows CKAN uses .net, not mono (<slaps forehead> duh, when I think about it). I'll try running it under mono and see what happens. Edit 2: It's aliiiive! So, my fellow windows xp dinosaurs, here's what you do: download and install Mono add the Mono install directory to your system PATH variable import trusted root certificates from Mozilla into Mono's certificate store - from a command line, run mozroots --import --ask-remove If all you want is the command line client, you're done! If you want the gui, too: The latest version of Mono available for windows is 3.2.3, which has a configuration bug: a couple of lines in a config file are missing the qualifier os = "!windows" This causes Mono to go looking for library files it doesn't need, and crash when it can't find them. The fix is trivial: edit the Mono config file <path-to-mono>\etc\mono\config (e.g. c:\program files\mono-3.2.3\etc\mon\config) down near the bottom are the two offending lines: <dllmap dll="gdiplus" target="/tmp/install/lib/libgdiplus.so"/> <dllmap dll="gdiplus.dll" target="/tmp/install/lib/libgdiplus.so"/> You can either delete them, or fix them properly by adding ' os="!windows" ' to each line, like so: <dllmap dll="gdiplus" target="/tmp/install/lib/libgdiplus.so" os="!windows"/> <dllmap dll="gdiplus.dll" target="/tmp/install/lib/libgdiplus.so" os="!windows"/> either works. (See bugzilla report Wrong dll mapping for libgdiplus under Windows) Note that (for windows xp) this fixes the "System.IO.FileNotFoundException" Known Error mentioned in the User Guide. CKAN now works (brilliantly!) under windows xp. However, also note that this solution is not officially supported. Mmmmmm, savor that sweet mod install goodness... Great job guys! CKAN is effing awesome.
  5. just FYI, v1.7.7 not working with .25 for me. The toolbar never shows up, but there's nothing in the log to indicate a problem - the toolbar reports all its startup activities and no errors. Reverted to 1.7.6, works fine. Mods: MM 2.5.1 Toolbar 1.7.7 (doesn't work) -> 1.7.6 (works) ATM release 3-8 Chatterer (ksp .24) CLS AVC 1.1.5 Goodspeed 2014.4.1b (ksp .23.5, with MM patch to update models & textures for .25. See this forum post) (and of course Squad and NASA)
  6. Indeed that is a typo. It'd be rather silly to give a docking port the model for a spotlight. Thanks for catching that, odmonk! Typo is fixed and patch updated: Goodspeed.25Patch.zip
  7. The parachute was not at all cheating; real carriers have arresting cables! Since this one doesn't, a drag chute is a decent analog. Kudos, btw. Beautiful design.
  8. Good luck on the masters! Love the fustek parts, and love the idea that they'll live on. When you get back to this, a suggestion. My one complaint is that the eva handles are too yellow. The real ISS eva handles are more of a dark gold/orange. For reference here are some photos of ISS EVA handles in bright sunlight. I know we're not exactly going for realism here, and others may disagree, but that yellow has always struck me as being too cartoony. Just a thought.
  9. I love this idea, and the scenarios you've come up with. I could imagine "Eval Kniebal wants to jump his motorcycle across the canyons of Duna." and all manner of challenges like that. I also like the idea of different kinds of passengers - celebrities, engineers, inspectors. etc. Creative!
  10. That's probably the most unusual craft I've seen to date. Looks cool!
  11. Any chance of updating the download link? I'd really like to give this mod a try. Thx!
  12. Re: bubble with solar and antenna Holy crap, onkelsiebdruck, you rock! That was fast, and I like the design. Nice job!
  13. I'll second that. It looks good, and I'd at least like to check it out. Pretty please?
  14. No, no, it's still an emergency bubble. Only now, if they're stranded where they land for a few days, they have light at night and a way to recharge the battery during the day. Plus the lights makes it easier to see the craft when in darkness (more fun when you can actually see the craft you're piloting, or distinguish it from the dark and dim terrain). Plus, it looks way better in screen shots. Basically, it ups the fun a bit. And kudos on the design - the flipping solar hexes. Nice!
  15. The escape pod is gorgeous! Two suggestions: Picture a few of the hexes up near the hatch as solar panels. And a few others as translucent, with lights inside.
  16. Just watched the Modular Facility Concept Demonstration. Mind = blown. I shall await their release with baited breath. I can just picture using this with First Person EVA!
  17. I thought it might be nice to have the updated .25 configs in Module Manager patch form, so I made one based on ximrm's configs. You can grab Goodspeed.25Patch.cfg from my Dropbox. Enjoy! Much thanks to ximrm for doing the tedious part, tracking down to where the models and textures had been moved.
  18. Connected Living Space and Ship Manifest are missing from the list.
  19. Would you be willing to allow someone else to maintain, and possibly extend, it (assuming they show the same level of artistry)?
  20. Awesome! Thanks, ximrm! Echoing dtoxic, my pref would be a MM patch.
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