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Everything posted by sralica

  1. It would be nice to have a special filter category for this drain of 6 for all probes and capsules. Because as is the estimate for electric usage for a small satellite is completely useless.
  2. ok, what kin of data are we talking about? Because it says in description, that you can't transmit science. https://ibb.co/gXkvLx
  3. I have this problem too. In VAB there is always a drain of 6 for antenna. this is for all probes or capsules. https://ibb.co/gmwPfx on the launch pad it is OK https://ibb.co/e3wqLx what is this drain of 6?
  4. I have a problem. I never get a contract to scan Kerbin or Mun condition "must have scanned less than 70% of target body" never met. I only did a flyby of Mun (no scanning equipment). I have not been to Minmus, so I do get a contract for Minmus. img: https://ibb.co/ircdYH How to fix this? EDIT: I see this is a known bug... No fix yet?
  5. In step 4 you should go to: Laguage -> Define your language -> pres the button "Import..." then select file "notepadKSP.udl.xml". then restart Notepad++
  6. I was thinking the same thing. Engines should be upgradable. Available in lower tear science but upgradeable after hundreds of hours running and unlocked in higher tear science node. It could be connected to Test flight mod. I hope you release something soon.
  7. Had the same problem. Using latest ScienceAlert and ScanSat contracts. After game restart it worked.
  8. So this science container is a stock thing, or you decided not to give it to probe cores? how about storing numerical science (temperature, gravity...), but not Goo canisters and Sciene Jr.
  9. Thanks for that. What about the second problem:
  10. So, in SCANsat mode: M700 scanner scans from orbit narrow-band scanner gives optional zoom map What does Surface scaning module do? nothing?
  11. My solution for this is: Plug in the joystick before starting KSP. If I start the game with joystick unplugged, the settings gets craizyyyy.
  12. Glad to see you return to moding. Does it work with probe cores? Is probe core a science container?
  13. This is soooooooo GREAT! Finally, a proper camera for flying. Thanks BahamutoD but autoSnap not working for me (at least not in chase cammera). Edited settings.cfg, but not working. Not a big deal.
  14. Yes, I used CKAN. It downloaded 0.27 version, witch was the latest at that time. now it is 0.27.1. will test this one too. edit: ooooow! I completely forgot that CKAN don't know about Kerbokaz Utilitys dependency. Sooryyyy maybe it this should be corrected for CKAN. other people will have the same problem. Everyone is using CKAN.
  15. In 1.0.1 I can't see anything. no button, no white, nothing. How can I tell if the mod is loaded?
  16. Is it normal that every time I revert to launch RAM usage jumps up? I was testing MJ assent profiles, and game crashed after about 20 reverts. KSP 1.0, less then 20 mods. it also happens in stock, but jumps are smaller. is this normal for KSP?
  17. As far as I know radiators on ISS are white (in visible spectrum). Here are some ideas about colours of radiators.
  18. Hey, I have a question about radiators and radiators in space. what colour should radiators be? Was reading this, but I am to dumb to understand. On ISS are white, on shuttle are silver/teflon. So when we will have mod with radiators, what should the colour be? different for space planes and something else for space stations?
  19. that might be wrong coordinates of the window try finding file: "GUIConfig.xml" in there look for: <WindowLoc> <X>130</X> <Y>361</Y> </WindowLoc> If you have negative coordinates, then fix them to look like above.
  20. If you try to snap a interstage fairing so that you have two attachment nodes aligned, when you let go, it snaps in place, but stays transparent. if you rotate so the nodes are not in line, it attaches OK. - - - Updated - - - I have another problem: Interstage is not shielding parts in side. "part shielded: 0" If I increase "extra hight" for 0.5m, then it is OK (but this look silly) "part shielded: 3" It is the same in editor or in flight
  21. Improved FREE chase cam - working great Improved chase cam - no working correctly. Camera is not rotating (rolling) with a plane. when pitching a plane, camera also pitches - away from velocity vector Really, really want Improved chase cam with roll! thanks for all the hard work.
  22. Hey, Will temperatures of pods over 500 kelvin kill kerbals? radiators will become mandatory.
  23. Thanks. I did it I don't know why I didn't see this the first time.
  24. Aren't there changes with AppLaunher (I think that is the name for stock buttons)? will test now... Edit: I installed this, can't see a button in top right. edit 2: 1. Start the game 2. launch a vessel - no button in toolbar 3. recover vessel 4. launch a vessel - 2 buttons in toolbar 5. recover vessel 6. launch a vessel - 4 buttons in toolbar ... can't get to settings, probably not working at all
  25. How to load the passengers? I used two command pods, one piloted, and one empty. did not complete the mission.
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