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Everything posted by TeiwazVIE

  1. I'm having a problem with v.0.3.3 (running KSP 1.3.1. for RP-1). I disabled some mod icons in Space Center but now I'm not getting the context menu for Janitor's Closet anymore (to unhide the buttons) - as a sidenote: some of the last hidden buttons would only hide after switching to another screen (VAB f.e.). If I disable mod icons in VAB I can't get to the context menu to unhide them - I just get the context menu for parts. The context menu is briefly visible in the upper left corner but won't stay up long enough for me to get the cursor there. The "JanitorsCloset.dat" file (which I think would store the save's settings) in my save folder is empty (0 Byte). Are the settings stored anywhere else? Anyone also having such issues, or knows what's causing them and how I can fix them?
  2. If "J" works again for those edits, I'm fine Just super rusty after not playing for...dunno...2 years now? [edit] Thx again, with PW working again I managed to pass the KL with my basic sounding rocket [/edit]
  3. Thx, but I forgot to mention that I'm running 1.3.1 (RP-1). Seems to me that branch is compatible with 1.4.3 at best (without compiling the stuff myself - which I'd rather not have to). [edit] Nvm, found the backport branch for 1.3.1. Will give it a try. B9 PW Backport Fork 1.3.1 [/edit]
  4. I hope this is the right thread... Using B9 PW Modified (v0.3.2H - GitHub link from CKAN), but it seems that the key to edit wings isn't "J" anymore. Can someone pls tell me how I can edit the wings? Thx
  5. Ahm, shouldn't it be...fixed then? I mean, it's not really making a problem for me, just wondering.
  6. Don't know if this is the right place, but it seems there is something wrong with scatterer version for RSSVE (probably just the wrong version in "Relationship" tab): https://imgur.com/70LSAhS
  7. I can confirm that (at least) version 1.9.2 of VSR doesn't cause the voxelization/CoL issues with FAR "Knudsen".
  8. I didn't want to file a bug report, just noticed an issue through FAR and because I didn't know what could cause it I came here to see if maybe others have this issue too No need to when it's probably just an issue on my side. Even if FAR can be a real pain in the ass sometimes it's - IMO - one of the most bug free mods for KSP. Thx for all the hard work and bug tracking though Thx, I'll try 1.9.2. [Edit] Version 1.9.2 fixes it. [/Edit]
  9. Does anyone know why this happens with the RD-253/RD-275 and how to fix it (if it is caused by the revamp)? Also, once I detach the launch stages and reattach them, the CoL is somewhere below the capsule's parachute.
  10. So I tried that but to no avail, still happening. But only with the RD-253/RD-275 (on all nodes, with or without shrouds enabled)... Other engines and all is fine. As, in theory, it shouldn't deadlock itself, hu?
  11. Will try that. Thx. Just one quick question: isn't CKAN supposed to take exactly the same zip file as a manual download form GitHub would give?
  12. I'm having similar issues like @Buisson - as you can see on the images provided here: I'm running the (CKAN) latest versions of RSS/RO/RP0 and besides the voxels the CoL will go crazy as soon as I detach and reattach the launch stages (as can be seen on image 1 vs. 2). When I load a working rocket and reload the crazy one, CoL is fixed and the rocket is usable (just some phantom roll forces applied to it) again. I'm using the RD-108(?) as first stage engine and I'm pretty sure that one's the culprit - just don't know which one that would be for vanilla. Nothing's tweakscaled, just your standard procedurals (tanks & fairings). If Ven's Stock Revamp is causing this issue, can I remove it safely and still use RP0? CKAN says it's sort of a dependency and want's to remove RP0 as well.
  13. The mod that's - IMO - as close to this as it gets is "[x] Science!", just lacking an audio notification and a fancy "shortcut popup" to do your experiments (you can do that with action groups though). But other than that if you're just interested in "what's available right now?" then [x] Science! can deliver that.
  14. It's not a bug, it's a feature - it's called grass moving in the wind
  15. During night I'm seeing some black artifacts moving over my launch site. Couldn't find anything similar in the thread so does anyone else have this and maybe knows which setting I can tweak to get rid of it? http://imgur.com/2torZEi You can see it a bit top and right of the VAB (to the launch pad) and left side of the runway. [edit] 2 more screens where it's more clear to see. http://imgur.com/a/8PFzR [/edit]
  16. Me so stupid. Don't know why, but I was under the assumption that the BoulderCo folder is located in the scatterer folder... Deleted it, now I got clouds - and some sort of (semi-transparent) black rectangle shaped artifacts moving over my spaceport... I see, makes sense. Thx.
  17. Tried that, didn't fix it. As I said, it's the same EVE, RVE & scatterer versions/folders/content that works in the KSP backup folder but not in the actual playthrough folder. Also I found some strange line in the PlanetsList.cfg file: celestialBodyName = Mars transformName = Mars Shouldn't that be something like "transformName = Eve" like in "celestialBodyName = Earth transformName = Kerbin"?
  18. So I followd these steps and I got no clouds. Then I copied the folders to a clean install backup where I'm running just RSS (8k textures) - and I got clouds. So I'm thinking there might be a conflict of some sort with another mod I'm running. Right now I'm restarting KSP with ModuleManager.ConfigCache deleted (takes forever to load... :-)), maybe that'll fix it - if not, does anyone know if one of these mods might be causing the conflict (included every mod I'm running, even if I could rule out a lot of them)?
  19. So is this the sort of "known issue" or (probably) caused by something else? I think I remember reading/hearing somewhere about it being a problem with Real Solar System and single precission floating values. http://imgur.com/um0T7Xi Sucks if otherwise decent planes crash on near perfect landing due to landing gear sinking in runway... If it's a known (known like "not fixable") issue, what sort of landing gear do other people use that works? (and why keep not working landing gear in the mod?) Modlist (100% CKAN install): Kopernicus RSSTextures8192 KSCSwitcher ModuleManager RealSolarSystem SmokeScreen AdvancedJetEngine FerramAerospaceResearch FirespitterCore SolverEngines KerbalJointReinforcement RealHeat RealChute RealismOverhaul RealFuels CommunityResourcePack RealPlume DeadlyReentry KSP-AVC ProceduralFairings InfernalRobotics RemoteTech CustomBarnKit ContractConfigurator ContractConfigurator-RemoteTech CoherentContracts VenStockRevamp ProceduralParts InfernalRobotics-LegacyParts TweakScale DMagicOrbitalScience DockingPortAlignmentIndicator KerbalAlarmClock TextureReplacer StarTrekRebootUniformPack xScience SCANsat ContractConfigurator-ContractPack-SCANsat MechJeb2 MechJebForAll RP-0 TestFlight Toolbar SXT ModularFlightIntegrator FirespitterResourcesConfig CommunityTechTree TACLS TACLS-Config-RealismOverhaul
  20. I think it's the runways at T1 & T2 that cause it - I'm having the same issues (plus sometimes I couldn't even leave the runway to start from the grass 'cause I got stuck on the borders) - and guessing from his screeners he's got the T3 runway. So those issues should be fixed with latest RP-0 release but I hadn't had the time to verify. Anyone know how to fix this CKAN error: "KerbalRenamer wishes to install GameData/KerbalRenamer/icons/Russian.png, but this file is registered to KerbalRenamer" There's no visible trace left of KerbalRenamer in my GameData folder, also tried clearing CKAN's cache... Happened to me during the install of latest RP-0 release (and is still happening) so I'm asking it here.
  21. As I said in a later reply I already have them installed. And it wasn't that heavy, just a pretty basic Mk2 design with rotation wheels + 2 RCS fuel tanks (those are the parts where the flexing happens) behind the cockpit that looks a bit like a F-15/F-18 mix IMO.
  22. Where every rumor starts: the internet! - - - Updated - - - Ah, yeah. Now that I've read it it's totally obvious Just couldn't make the connection.
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