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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Bring back The Barn. It was very coherent with the jokes in the descriptions of parts.
  2. Hey devogen! I've been testing Yours round spacestation parts in 19.1 and noticed that they are producing significent lag(the ambient sound clicks and everything stutters). When thay arent loaded everything is okay.
  3. The video is kinda self explanatory. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/michaellaine/space-elevator-science-climb-to-the-sky-a-tethered?ref=discover_pop
  4. So now with the 0.16 part tools released could someone explain how to make hatches and ladders ("for dummies" way)?
  5. Soooo... I could make models in blender one by one (eg. wheels in different file than the body), import all of them into Unity part tools and then assemble them into one .mu model ?
  6. OH SNAP. Thanks, thats great place to start indeed. (actually i think it should be stickied somewhere)
  7. Still I would like to see some dummy plugin file, or a cheat sheet with some basic functions. Just to get a grip of it.
  8. Hey all, i\'ve just uploaded some new parts, the 'biggy' set. It can help you venture to the new Minimus moon. Or blow your Kerbies into space dust. But it looks cool so take a bite.
  9. And dont forget praying to ancient gods. Glad that it worked for You
  10. Sorry, i misread Your post. But on the funny side, i\'ve managed to import my blendfiles correctly without any problems. Maybe that newest unity client is borked or sth.
  11. Shouldn\'t You export from blender using built in FBX exporter and then import to unity?
  12. OOHSHEYT normal maps! aaanyways, great work!
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