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Everything posted by touzenesmy

  1. Thank you about that remark, again, and as you say " We have to judge based on the infornation we have." As a police officer will not "assume" you have a pregnant wife in the car when he'll arrest you because of the speed limit, he'll judge with the information he have, and if you don't give additional data, you'll be faced with the charges based on the data that is available. That's why I made my whole post above, you see an injustice, call it out and take action, until proven otherwise. EDIT: Thank you very much for the feedback to anyone who took time to read and support/critic my point of view
  2. Dear everyone, When I was younger, I was always asked to not get blind when an injustice happens in front of me, I was easy and made sense for the young boy I was. Then with age, I understood what my parents tried to make me learn, sometimes it's really hard to "open it" when the whole crowd goes silent to when an injustice happens in front of your eyes. When I talked to the people around me who witnessed the injustice with me on "why did we stay silent ? we should have talked" There was those who agreed that yes, they were wrong but did not have the guts to open their mouth when everybody was silent, and then there was those who find themselves excuses and even try to shift the blame for the ones who say "we should have spoken", using excuses like "yes but you never know", "you don't have all the data", "we don't have all angles of views" To those ones, I had one question: "Alright, if you don't have all the data, why don't you open your mouth and ask for it ?", and people usually respond by the fact "it's not our personal problem" Then I understood, some people just don't feel shame in saying "I don't care about other peoples lives as long as I'm not directly impacted", you want the funny part ? they'll cry and ask for help when they're directly impacted. I'm see now this kind of behavior about T2 and Star Theory crisis, there are the ones who clearly make it loud and clear, the ones who don't have the guts to say it yet but still they do agree that was happened was wrong and there not a single doubt about it. And there is the ones finding excuses and even try to shift the blame. To the latest ones, This is a free opinion forum, it's really sicking to see how much you try hard to hide your lack of empathy toward the people who did their best to make our KSP2 dream true, I also know that you're finding excuses because you try to cover up your reputation because you're don't really want to say the truth that you don't care about developers lives, but at least, have the honesty to say it and stop running around with excuses. This whole discussion could be summarized to those two choices: - I do care and about ethics and justice, and I won't buy the game. - I don't care about anyone but myself, if I love the game I will follow my own interest and buy it regardless. EDIT: Finally, I may be wrong and discover it, but at least I've spoken and only by speaking and saying things that you can learn that you're wrong, not by sticking your head in sand and pretend nothing is happening. Thank you. EDIT from OP: Changed "snip" by a better language and phrasing
  3. Install a server for me and try to get in touch with some enthusiasts to make some big plans
  4. I'm sorry, I would like to leave that train, I know that either I will not make it alive to destination, or the destination have been changed. I was told we are going to visit a game made by a small indie studio and that's why I paid my ticket for that train, and now I heard passengers saying that that studio got murdered and its workers had to sell their soul for the big empire or become homeless.
  5. Well, I'm trying to understand. At first, I thought that Take two just shot themselves in the foot, because people won't buy and give money to a company that have chosen to fire people and put the hunger/shelter knife under their throats by either following their unethical move or just stay without a job, all that, to make a bit more profit. But hey, who knows ? maybe they did the good thing in their interest because most people won't care and buy the game anyway, just look how EA are doing, so at the end of the day they'll have everything working as they have planned. There is no way to know how things will unfold, but through this poll, I want to know how KSP community will react to this move, will their support it regardless of the consequences, or will they make a stop to it. Or simply they didn't make their choice yet. Thank you for helping me to understand different point of views regarding that situation, but please, don't bring out fallacy arguments with "you cannot know what every single one will do" because no one can, still polls are used to express what people think even if not evey single member of the population participated in that poll. Well, if you're here... you are
  6. None of us have a crystal ball, I'm relying on what I've seen on the comments on youtube at this point, I don't know if most people made their choice yet and you are right on this, still you cannot say that they didn't make their choice yet because none of us really know what is in peoples mind, that's why the poll is here, and didn't find any poll considering as much choices that's why I made it. You make a good point about the missing entry in the poll and I've just added it, thank you.
  7. Thank you very much for your response, but I think that most people have already made their choice unless take two step back. don't you think so ?
  8. Dear everyone, I've been in those forums since...ages now, I even developed a mod for KSP1 that we don't need now that we got electric engines in the game. But as a true believer in democracy, also as a big lurker and one member of the "silent mass", I'm reaching to everyone of you today, even people like me who just enjoy reading without answering (and there is many), with this simple and yet effective poll to show people's intention toward the ethically low move that take two just did. Of course, feel free to text your opinion to say what you've voted and why if you feel the need for that, however, this topic is mainly a poll that I hope will get bumped from time to time. Thank you everyone for taking from your time sharing your opinion.
  9. Pretty much me when I saw the trailer:
  10. It's a long time for me that I didn't come back to KSP, since I got married to be honest. I'm very glad to the idea that someone took the idea and developed it. Thank you man, I am coming back slowly and surely to KSP, I'll contact you if I have time and energy to offer help, if you accept it of course
  11. Dear Squad staff, When I log into my account on the store page https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kspstore/. After I log in using my credentials. I see "My Account" button. But when i click on it i'm just redirected to: https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/en/ . When I get back to https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kspstore/, I have to log again and I can't see any download page. TLDR: impossible to download the game from the official website of KSP
  12. I have the same issue here, can you offer support please ?... we actually bought the game...
  13. Hello, No there isn't, I lost the files related to it. However if you want to work on it we can do it together Have a good day
  14. Common problem, I have it too, you don't have enough contact with the surface (small wheels) and you're on an inclined surface.
  15. Dear Squad, you made me - Become really interested in the space technology and advancement - Made me have the most interesting, funny and raging game that I ever had - Allowing me to try the game for free, and I bought it when it was at v0.90 - Giving us this awesome forum - Giving people all the tools to mod your game and make it very different at each install - Providing such a great job at each update - Keeping up with amelioration and updating - Making me take a good decision in my professional life and specializing myself in propulsion engineering - And finally, doing what you do considering how hard it is where you live, you really risked your life for us Squad. Sincerely, Thank you. Samy.
  16. Started working on the SSTO-5C, it'll be a hard one because the ones before couldn't have more than 600m/s once full charged on Minmus base.
  17. Got my SSTO-4C corrected version on Minmus and the old version without airbrakes and light back to ksp...with a lot of efforts.
  18. Looks like the game updated wrong, did a WHOLE NEW install, everything is working fine now. Thank you.
  19. EDIT 2: Found another bug related to the wheels : When I place a fresh landing gear, I see them as they are at left, once I save the ship and reload it, I see them as the right model. Can this be some kind of related bug to the rover wheels ?
  20. Tried, didn't work, I even tried this: Exploded as it touches the ground. And this one too. I'm here to help with the debug, any ideas ? help ? EDIT: LY-01, and other "plane" wheels works like a charm, but the rover ones all explodes as they touch the ground... Found something, as I inspect the default config of the wheels, I see this: But once I move the Brake Torque cursor back and forth, I see that the max it can goes is 30 Maybe it's something related to the bug
  21. Which information should your support request have? KSP version including Windows, Mac, or Linux, 32 or 64-bit, and if it's Steam Ksp 1.1.2 (x64) not steam install. A detailed explanation of what happened and what you were trying to accomplish My rover explodes on spawn, I had the same one on the Mun and Minmus and they all exploded, same for their probes (to put the rover down and take it back to orbit) As far as a wheel is touching the ground, everything violently explodes. A screenshot of your craft or any relevant screens Overall picture : A .craft file or save files if relevant http://pastebin.com/kTjdvQeg The ouput_log.txt or player.log file KSP creates when it launches and, if applicable, the crash log KSP has generated when the program crashed I had no game crash A detailed list of system specifications Win 7 x64, i5 2nd gen, Nvidia gt 540m, 8Gb ram. Are you running a clean installation, or have you updated and some of your persistence or craft files might be older versions, if so which version(s) Yes, clean install. Here's my report, any idea how to get this working ?
  22. Same problems with rover wheels... it just "explode" once it touches anything ...
  23. One of the best ideas I ever read here WE NEED IT SQUAD, WE NEED IT !
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