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Everything posted by CreepinJesus

  1. This mod has got me back playing KSP like I was back in the alpha days! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Alas, I have come across a game breaking issue that I hope may be remedied with a settings adjustment. Now, when I launch my craft from the space center or from the VAB it will explode before loading and I find my probe hurtling toward the sun. It only happened occasionally when the universe was new, now it's every time and, especially when I'm logging in remote from the server. We only have a few vessel out. It seems exacerbated when loading a rocket with a lot of parts. Initially, I was able to stop it from halting the program (when the game locks up it seems to trigger the explosion) by accelerating very slowly, which I think helped by creating fewer particle effects and putting less demand on memory and processing. Is this something that can be helped by increasing or decreasing the MTU or by changing the vessel sync interval or some other server side setting? Any ideas? Please let me know. Thanks again.
  2. Advanced Grabbing Unit should also be able to grab the ground of planets and moons. This makes a lot of sense on low gravity moons. The size of an anchored craft would be limited by the gravity of the body and the structural integrity of the craft. I just got my sweet kethane refiner with grabber unit to Gilly to set up a near-Eve refueling operation after my rover kethane refiner failed miserably in the moon's very weak gravity. I was super disappointed when my hopes of anchoring the refiner were dashed by this oversight.
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