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  1. I tried to disassemble a ship on the Mün. It ran smoothly until I tried to reload the scene while parts were scattered in the ground. The game dropped to less than 1 FPS when I reloaded and does not improve. Is anyone else experienced this?
  2. I am running on a Macbook Pro, and remote tech will load, but none of the plugins will run. I cannot right click on satellites, my array does not operate, and the KSC node does not load. Is anyone else having this problem?
  3. Hi all, I have been trying to work on an equation I can use to calculate the burnout height of a single stage rocket in vertical flight from the KSP Launchpad where the forces of Drag and Gravity are both variable. I start with: SUM(F) = Fthrust + Fdrag +Fgravity where, Fdrag = (0.004892*Cd * Po)mrv2 e-h/H Fgravity = G*Mmrocket/(r+h)2 Fthrust = some constant I attempted to modify the derivation of Tsiolkovski's Ideal Rocket Equation to account for the forces of Drag and Gravity where both Fg and Fd are variable. I have followed the method for deriving the Rocket Equation from MIT's website (here) and ended up with this: dv = [Fd/mr - Fg/mr]dt - (vedmr)/mr However, the math required to make this equation easily integratabtle is utterly baffling me because of the number of variables present in the function. Does anyone know how to simplify this?
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