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    Spacecraft Engineer
  1. I made a poll about it but even though 90% of people voted to move it back, the mods moved the poll thread as well and it turned into arguments about burying the poll and so on. You're welcome to try again, I'm still in favour of moving it back.
  2. Someone said if there was a thread about it, the mods would move it back, so here we go. Vote away, because it's daft having it here.
  3. Yet again the huge "Show off your awesome KSP pictures!" thread has been moved out of the General forum, and plenty of people, myself included, think it should have stayed here. So here we are, a thread to call for it to be moved back here, where it is more active and more easily seen and enjoyed.
  4. Can I ask why this thread is back in Fan Works? It was done before ages ago and was universally derided as a really stupid idea.
  5. I AM GOZER THE GOZERIAN. (Kept thinking about that while reading your thing :3)
  6. Firstly, I just want to say how heartened I am by the outpouring of dislike towards pewdiepie. He is without a doubt one of the most irritating, inane, and idiotic Youtubers and it's always nice to see I'm not alone in thinking so. To talk about what seems to be the main proposition of this topic, that Squad should give him a free copy, I think that's a daft idea. If he wants to play, he should buy it like everyone else. He's not exactly short on money. I really don't relish the influx of idiots that will likely flood here if he does a Lets Play of KSP, but hopefully figuring out orbital mechanics and how to actually do anything will make them short term members if they do turn up. We could probably deal with it, but I'd rather we didn't have to.
  7. Still having issues, a mirror, if there are any, would be super useful.
  8. ... so I've been having a sustained problem with this mod, in that my downloads for it keep dying. Specifically at around 60-70 MB. Does anyone have a mirror for it that isn't on Spaceport or something?
  9. Gipsy Danger, ready for drop. Go kill some kaijus
  10. My issue whenever I'm making modular bases (not using this wonderful set, of course) is making sure the docking ports are a uniform height from the ground, along with the lander legs. Any advice for getting things right in the VAB, or is the only option really to test it out on Kerbin?
  11. Good grief, that is beautiful. What mods are involved in that?
  12. Sorry if this has been answered already, but what's the word on Robotic Arms please?
  13. I've been trying to do mid-course correction burns, but I'm finding it tricky. I've looked for videos on how to get the Moho, but most of the videos I've found seem to deal with getting to Duna or Eve, which are easier. I've been totally unable to find anything that deals with Moho's eccentricity. Hence why I asked. And I've more or less just confused by some of these instructions. Like I understand, but actually seeing it would go a long way to helping me to understand it better. If it wouldn't be of better help to you, congratulations, but if a particular way works better for me, I'll enquire about it.
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