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    Curious George
  1. Saw this visual gem the other night in IMAX. The Newton's 3rd law line is my fave in the movie, next to another TARS line about slaves for a robot colony. The Newton line is a joke; TARS was already hopping off the ship to dive into the black hole - for data. His mass is obviously insignificant compared to the whole ship. TARS just needed to make a crack at Cooper one last time (before Cooper dropped himself in the black hole as well, unexpectedly). Overall, despite some Newton-y physics issues, the consultation of wormhole expert Dr. Kip Thorne for calculating (yes, calculating) the visual appearance of the black hole and the wormhole was an excellent choice. The result is actually scientifically significant, as the two renderings are the most detailed and accurate models of their respective phenomena ever visualized. Neat, huh? Btw for those who do not know, the wormhole and black hole interior scenes are strongly reminiscent of the psychedelic experience. Any agreements? AT LEAST THERE WAS NO SOUND IN SPACE!!!!! That point alone is worth so much in sci-fi realism points, though a little less so nowadays.
  2. Hey all, I searched for subtypes in this thread and only found hits on the first post about the release. I'm loving a lot about this awesomely complete mod, but I'm having issues with the part subtype switching. The right click menu only has one button - "next part" or something to that effect - and clicking it does nothing. I tried doing this with MJ showing me deltaV stats, figuring that value would change if the part went from being structural to LFO-containing. Also, the multiple subtype parts - all of them - appear to have texture overlaps, as if each part is all of the subtypes displayed simultaneously. No crashes, I would just really like to use one of the best features of this mod! I'm enjoying how de-cluttered the parts list is now. I'm running with all the recommended mods, including ATM, Firespitter, the latest version of MM, etc. I have a few other parts packs installed too; I tried removing Skillful, since it was on list of mods that cause brain pain, but to no avail. Any help would be hugely appreciated! Otherwise I'm doing a full reinstall after work today to try to fix this. Thanks to the whole B9 team! I really really really hope your work is incorporated in release versions of KSP!!!!
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