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Everything posted by Nicok

  1. Does anyone know a mod with 1.25m cargo bay ? To fit 0.625m probes inside. regards.
  2. Same message around Duna and Ike. Goo is just homesick and will love any celestial body.
  3. Bite my shiny metal ass ! (The Bender, Duna-designed lander)
  4. Are they any way to point toward prograde or retrograde in surface mode ? I'm smashing my head into my desk to find out a way...
  5. I'm using 0.43.... edit : i thought i was with the 0.43, but it was the 0.42.... i just update, will test. edit² : it works now, thanks.
  6. No, doesn't work. It's like i couldn't use ressources variables in tests.
  7. I totally cant use ressources... I have a thing atop of a solid booster with a decoupler between them. here is the code : stage. wait until stage:solidfuel = 0. stage. i've checked with a print stage:solidfuel and it does reach 0 when depleted. I have even test with a <solidfuel> before launch and the amount is ok. the first line works and ignitiate the solid booster. I just don't understand why it doesn't work....
  8. The fix improves the IAS, but they are still some problems àthink. Firstly, without any joystick, i had the issue of 0.21. Secondly, there is some kind of...waiting when you mark an attitude to go and the effective attitude hooked. It's like during a moderate rotation, you're not sure about the real attitude hooked. Can't we have some mark on the navball like "here is the attitude I'll looking for" message from IAS ? A way to know exactly where the IAS drives us...
  9. Is it normal to have those problem with a fresh install and no mod at all ?
  10. To put it simply, New SAS (IAS) works neartly perfectly for planes and spaceplanes. On the other hand, it's like flying without IAS since you fly rockets. Even a little misalignement of CoM (which worked fine before) leads to loosing control / permanent drift. Simple designs (i quite flying 2.5m for a long time) with maximum of 50 parts go crazy or inclinaison above 2°... it's really like flying without IAS. I'm kind of disapointed since the videos by C7 was awesome... I feel like it's not what was showed...
  11. I was testing my Soyuz replica around the Mun when...
  12. Just a question : What is the name of the mod of the tiny camera on a rotative turret on your rover ?
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