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Everything posted by Solarspaceprobe

  1. Hey, all the new armor parts mount funny, except the basic flat composite plate.
  2. I can't believe they removed the old surfaces. The swept wing is the only old wing, and now NONE OF THE SURFACES WORK WITH IT. I love the SP+ parts, but I at the same time demand those older parts. I'm sick of having to put in three parts in the place of one large control surfaces, and it may not even fit the design I'm making! Can't we have those old control surfaces and wings, even as a downloaded parts-pack? Sure, the old structural wingboard was sort of...wavy, but if you're keeping the swept wings Squad, please give us at least our old large control surfaces.
  3. The boats don't float correctly. They flop around rapidly, sink, nose over and plummet...is something wrong with my game?
  4. I want skillful for a few reasons: 1. Battleship and tank hulls. 2. Armor. 3. cooler damage model 4. Saw a really cool looking parts pack. But I have to use BD because: 1. Skillful is out of date. 2. Easier to use. 3. much, much nicer models. 4. More weapon diversity, especially with spanners(not to mention space missiles.) Now, I still love skillful, and I think what you're doing is awesome! Just explaining that I'm still a fan, just waiting for the next release and for it to come a bit more practical. Keep it up, I've been excited for this new version!
  5. I'm getting issues with spanners boomsticks(BD armory part pack) and even some weird stuff with stock parts involving spaceplane symmetry, the part that I'm not holding will be huge on one side unless I make the original part scaled up a bit. Oh, it might not be tweakscale, but it seems a likely culprit and I don't think anything else could mess with sizes.
  6. I still really think it would be useful though....it could make your ship move in certain ways.
  7. I want to make a video too, and since I keep seeing beverages etc. in the curse, I assume it could be possible...I want this too. I use BD and Spanner BTW, waiting for next ID release.
  8. I want to know how to balance my craft's reaction wheels, could someone make a little bubble like with mass, lift, and thrust? Maybe with curved arrows showing rotation? I recently saw some mods that do this with RCS, but I've wanted it for a while. It's gotta be easier than RCS, right?
  9. Uh, well(thanks to NASA) we've never really done much outside Earth's LEO, they kind of went up to the moon and didn't like what they saw, and never went back. Most of the stuff in the tech-tree is about at our level today. Therefore, the Kerbals do MORE than we did to get that stuff. It's depressing to realize how short we've traveled. Anyways, nice mod! Thanks for making it!
  10. Hey, in January I was writing for a project, when I realized all futuristic spaceships go long distances almost always the same way. They either warp the fabric of the universe, speed up a ton(in the looser sci-fi like Star Wars), or go through a wormhole of some sort. I wanted to be original. Well, I realized I remembered seeing something about a relationship between time and speed, like when you go close to light speed you appear to be moving "slow" to everyone else. I looked around for a while and found that both gravity and velocity strengthen the time dilation effects. And then it hit me! Why not use anti-gravity(assuming you DO have it, in sci-fi you normally do) and make time dilation reverse, shooting your spaceship through time? You'd have to freeze the crew members or something, as the trip would likely be LONGER for them, but Earth wouldn't have to wait a hundred thousand years for it's starships to send the "we made it and we're okay" message to prove it was worth it. Would it work?
  11. I also can't wait for the battleship, it's supposed to be a lot simpler, right? I understand why the carrier was so modular and complex, but it was very hard for me to try to build with. I actually kinda want to build a battleship and make a video of attacking it with skillful weapons while its AAA cannons fire, etc.
  12. Yeah, I might use BD while waiting for the release...but I like skillful's damage model, as well as some of the components so much more. I DID once make armor plates that would supposedly work with BD armory(structural panels with their tolerance/weight/cost values boosted a bunch), but I don't like how a machine gun has the ability to take down a tank in that mod. You're right though, I'll download it now and see if I can make a cool battle scene.
  13. Will that fix the warnings saying Realchute is incompatible with .25's unity version?
  14. Awesome! I like making military vehicles too. I just wish I could make vehicles like that, but the panels don't connect and flop around weird.
  15. I guess a turbofan engine would be pretty fun for transports and less conventional ridiculous contraptions.
  16. I like it-though the sound description is a bit...how did you even think of that!? I could use a few cheap pulsejets for my missiles.
  17. Well, the space shuttle was far from reusable or reliable...or cheap...or good at station building...but yeah, I agree with the Mk3 size stuff.
  18. I see ways this could go wrong, so you should be able to disable welds...but MAN, I AM SICK OF TRYING TO STRUT HUNDREDS OF PLATES! I love this idea, make it happen in a mod or stock, someone!
  19. Reaction wheel torque indicators. They would appear next to and in the same way as center of mass/lift/thrust indicators, and make it much easier to set up your torque in the places it's needed! Idea I had a while back actually.
  20. Here's your problem: .26 DOES NOT EXIST. Did you try to get the software from some other place than the main site/steam? Or was that a typo? Either way, I would re-install.
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