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Everything posted by crberus

  1. Good luck with personal stuff, we will be genuinely looking forward to see further posts. I personally am mostly interested if there will be any diversion from certain OTL events. Really appreciate your works and thank you for the announcement!
  2. Can't vote there due to the lack of an account. And, also, can't even decide what's more exciting: ETS Artemis or unknown ESA project.
  3. Couldn't find solution for my problem in the thread (might be me searching not properly, but anyway). The problem is that Callisto is just a black hole, when I watch at it. At the first glance, looks like all files are in place. I play on 4k textures, if that matters. UPD: apparently, NRM file for Callisto in 4k opens fine and 8k one doesn't, while all others do. Also, 8k NRM file for Callisto is around 170 MB in size, while all others are not exceeding 44 MB. What would be better as an improvised solution: to edit link in .cfg file for Callisto or replace NRM file in 8k folder with 4k one?
  4. Is there any chance of seeing RD-253 as a part separate from the whole Proton's first stage?
  5. Really sad to see that, but thanks for notifying at least. Could you share, just for curiosity, your intended config of the station built in VAB?
  6. As always, eager to see further expansion to the station. Is it Mir-2 "something red"? Just blink if yes (but what of design iterations it could be...)
  7. Who said terraforming might be easy for player? It must be something way harder than bringing an SSTO to Eeloo and back. You might need to bring enormous amount of water with ice-asteroids/comets, or do something equally difficult/time spending to transform an atmosphere into (moderately-)breathable conditions. Maybe a magnetic field is unnecessary, because there are none in a game yet. Since we don't have and probably won't have N-Body physics or advanced life support, terraforming can bring a new orders of challenge for skilled players and new level of YouTubeability for a game itself. I don't really see the complete difference between having impossible trio of Jool's moons and having funny feature, achievment of which is way harder than everything before.
  8. Yet we don't know how exactly will colonization work, so all my thoughts may be wrong, but development of a colony can be divided into stages, where every next stage can effect a planet a little bit more than a previous one. Like "Pressurized Modules/Self-sufficient Pressurized Modules/Underground shelters/Domes/A few stages of Atmosphere Transformation/Water liquifying/Magnetic Field establishing". Yes, it will be pretty discrete, but there are already lots of things simplified. And why a civilization capable of interstellar travel would be incapable of terraforming?
  9. We already have multiple lauch sites in original KSP and we will have Multiplayer in the second one. What if we will have kind of campaigns-slash-missions-slash-scenarios inspired either by space exploration history (Space Race, Moon Race, you name it) or by forum challenges? Preferably playable both against other players and against AI. It surely needs some "Kerbal Construction Time" mechanics, maybe cost-based. UPD. TERRAFORMING. Do I need to advocate it?
  10. I think UR-700 is very monumental and quite "KSP-styled" rocket so for me it's something what's really missing among all those soviet monstrous rockets such as N1 and Energia
  11. Если сказать знающему человеку "дельта вэ", он всё равно поймёт:)
  12. Когда в 90-е выкидывали советские мифы на свалку истории, космонавтика тоже чуть туда не ушла. И если бы не привлечение внимания власти проектом МКС, то что было бы вообще с космонавтикой - неизвестно, ведь пилотируемая космонавтика является наиболее заметным политическим мотиватором. Не было бы перспективы для пилотируемых полётов - не было бы и их самих, а МКС как раз эту самую перспективу и дала. Да и "подкидывали" не чистым кэшем, а за конкретные изделия. С чего бы им "подкидывать" "Полёту", если они не покупали его изделий? Купили "Зарю" у ГКНПЦ, покупали места на "Союзах" у ФКА по бартеру и за деньги. Спонсировать остальное они не обязаны.
  13. Как минимум, потому что используете уничижительное прозвище вместо названия нации. разница между "худшим" и "намного худшим" субъективна, и то, что Вы считаете просто худшим, я считаю намного худшим.
  14. Если бы не столь ненавистные Вам "пиндосы", то отрасль в 90-е если бы и не загнулась, то точно была бы в намного более худшем состоянии.
  15. Нет, это СМ ("Звезда") был дублёром базового блока "Мира", а затем был запланирован как базовый блок "Мира-2", но никаких работ "в железе" на этот счёт, ЕМНИП, не проводилось и он лежал законсервированный на "Энергии". ФГБ же предлагался как компонент "Мира-2", но был только на бумаге до заказа "Боинга".
  16. Насчёт "Зари": она была построена в России и относится к российскому сегменту, но считается американским модулем, поскольку ГКНПЦ исполнил роль подрядчика для "Боинга" и юридически является собственностью НАСА.
  17. Yup. Thank you very much, it helped, shame on me, that i didn't that before leaving a post.
  18. But exactly the same mods without TK work fine, at least without visible problems in game.
  19. Ok, here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p6h93o8o3popcno/Logs.zip?dl=0
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