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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. No, it's not like that at all. If I came to a KSP forum and posted in a KSP thread about me not liking chocolate, then the opinion would be irrelevant and best sat through in silence and a STFU reaction would have been perfectly warranted. However, this is a KSP forum, my opinion just happened to be on KSP, and said post was completely on-topic. Totally relevant, and I don't have to sit in silence so long as I am not derogatory toward anyone. What you have misconstrued as a complaint is actually what is called an amusing anecdote. What I presented was an amusing side-note to the "having fun and being critical" OP that my only "complaint" comes from a previous version and not 1.0. There's nothing bitter about it, except whatever bitterness you read into it. Personally, I thought the situation was funny, which is what the word "amusing" from my original post means, as well as that little smiley face at the end of it. I thought others would find the concept amusing, as well. If the joke confused and angered you, Dear Reader, you have my sincerest apologies for your not having got said joke. If the joke has excessively harmed you by causing grievous confusion and mental distress, seek immediate medical attention and take it up with my attorneys. You do realize you're complaining about someone having a (perceived) complaint, right? Would it be okay to tell you that you must suffer through any objection you may have to my posts in silence? Yeah, I didn't think so.
  2. So, you mean I should do the very thing that I said I was going to do in the post you quoted from me? Brilliant, man, brilliant. Great job.
  3. What's amusing is that I swore I would play my .23.5 game "until 1.0 came out", which means my real gripe is pretty late. This is my first real encounter with the Contract System. HATE IT. I liked how KSP (in my .23.5 game) was Explore For The Science or the sheer joy of exploration, not playing lackey to some corporation that just wants me to alter my designs in unrealistic ways (deploy parachute at Unreasonable Expectation of Altitude, anyone?). My career is named the OOPS program because we aren't terribly careful about shooting our little Kerbal Poets into space (even though we had only 4 deaths in the 5 year program!). Money gets in the way of To Boldly Go, so going back to Science Career, thanks!
  4. Okay, I just found RollKage this morning due to it making its way back to page 1. I'm still using .23.5, and so I had to snag this and try it out. I had to modify all the cfg's for the tech tree, but I gotta say... This is FREAKING AWESOME.
  5. I think my initial question got lost in moderation as it was my first post. Does anyone know what version will work on .23.5 so I may download it from the Github repository?
  6. Can anyone tell me which version of ATM on github works with .23.5 so I can download the correct version? I'm starting to get memory crashes on my old game. Thanks, Casei
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