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Everything posted by Jo7hs2

  1. I actually assumed they'd have chutes the first time I tried it...I assumed wrong. SPLAT! I'd love a chute for bailouts.
  2. Nice! My landing attempt on Laythe was much less successful. I missed land by a small margin, plunked into the (presently invisible) ocean, and the ship tipped over and broke apart. Luckily, it was a probe, and no Kerbonauts were lost.
  3. I have several of the old releases zipped, but currently only .17 "installed." I usually keep the last release installed for a few days in case something is weird. I deleted 0.16 once MechJeb stopped triggering the Space Cthulu bug.
  4. With stock parts: Duna, along it a rough but survivable landing on Ike...well, survivable but not returnable. Also, I've landed on Mun and Minmus repeatedly. I did the Mun manually, but Minmus has always been on MechJeb since I'm a twitchy pilot. I also used some .CFG editing while the space Cthulu was interfering with MechJeb and I had to fly manual insertions (for faster ascents, mostly) and landed on Laythe. Well, splashed down into an invisible ocean.
  5. Like others have already mentioned, a fix is forthcoming. However, the latest version of MechJeb already adjusts for it, so until 0.17.1 is released with a formal fix, try installing the newest version of MechJeb and flying on autopilot for a few days or weeks. Or be gentle with the warp keys, which works, but is tricky. Always remember, be patient, this is alpha software.
  6. MechJeb 1.9.3 solves the problem, or at least works around the issue. Also added higher warp capability. http://wiki.mechjeb.com/index.php?title=Version_History#Version_1.9.3
  7. Interesting. As for the disassembly issue...it is definitely a warp issue. It is not mechjeb's fault, as I can, as ferris suggested, induce it manually by jerking the warp level around too quickly.
  8. Pardon if this is covered elsewhere, but a cursory search turned up nothing. Since installing 0.17 and the appropriate new version of MechJeb, I'm having a problem with the new orbital operations for the various planets. Basically, when the MechJeb drops out of warp to do the insertion burn, my ship disassembles. It doesn't explode, it just...falls apart and makes the staging sound. Fuel tanks separate from each other, etc... It does not occur on ascent when warping to apoapsis, or when I abort the warp...only when MechJeb takes over. Any ideas?
  9. I could not successfully apply the patch until I tried it on a clean copy of 0.16. I was able to successfully apply the patch after two failed tries. It turned out it did not like edited cfg files. Unfortunately, it downloaded the patch three times before it finally worked, so the bandwidth didn't end up being saved. Apparently, it didn't save the temporary files anywhere before it checked the files already present, and then had to start all over.
  10. I have a Core i7 3770k quad-core running at 3.5-3.9GHZ, with 16GB of RAM, a reasonably fast GPU with PhysX, and an SSD. I can still get some lag during the first kilometer of atmo if my ship exceeds five stages or so with commensurate struts to hold it together. I'm not sure you can completely escape it right now.
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