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Everything posted by jrodriguez

  1. Regarding the camera far clipping I'm using the previous RSSVE setting to avoid the ground glitches: @REALSOLARSYSTEM:FOR[RSSVE]:NEEDS[RealSolarSystem] { %cam00FarClip = 1251.0 %cam01NearClip = 1249.0 %cam01FarClip = 1875000.0 %camSSDepth = -4 %camSSFarClip = 100000000 %camSSNearClip = 9 } Regarding the support of the GodRays. I think I might be able to recompile a version of scatterer with it enabled if you want
  2. Hi there! I suggest to give a try to BDArmory Modular missiles! Together with your V2 parts you will be able to hit targets hundreds of Kms away! https://github.com/jrodrigv/BDModularMissileParts/wiki/1.-Building-your-first-Modular-Missile This is a tutorial for AAM missiles, I would like to a tutorial for Ballistic missiles soon.
  3. @pingopete I have been the whole day playing with my rssve setup and mixing it with your amazing RVE. Here are some nice pics! Thank you again for making this possible
  4. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AixZLrjtqp-RgsZ1zDOqcG2U2j0KRg?e=Ry2pLK This is my RSS textures package. It has higher quality textures than the RSS 8k packages. 16K Mars, etc.. Maybe it can be useful in the future for you when start working on other planets
  5. @pingopete I can confirm that it works. Tested in KSP 1.6.1 Great job, it looks promising
  6. (@pingopete Few things more We need to make this to work with KSP 1.6.1 for RO compatibility and also to add in the mix the 8k/16k textures from the HQ RSSVE mod pack . I will help you with these things.
  7. This is amazing @pingopete. Thanks. Just one question. I haven't seen any comment regarding DX11. Can we use DX11 forcing with this setup?
  8. Yes, bombs are not supported for modular missiles. The reason is because it will need a custom complex implementation. Stock BDA bombs sight is calculated based on a deterministic parameters (uniform accelerated movement) because stock bombs & missiles physics are simulated by code., however modular missiles are vessels and I can't predict the place where it might land without actually doing something empirical like to fire the bomb and calculate the time it takes for the bomb to crash.
  9. I suggest to review the closed issues and check if there is any issue closed similar to yours https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed Sorry but I don't know. I suggest to check yourself Yes. there is one for Modular Missile Parts here. It works fine with latest version too. https://github.com/jrodrigv/BDModularMissileParts/releases
  10. Hey! Maybe not from scratch but I expect major changes!
  11. Thanks @DoctorDavinci for the ideas. I will give it a go and let you know
  12. @DoctorDavinci Thanks for you analysis. I haven't found yet the root cause of the problem. During testing and debugging what I found was that. It doesn't really matter if you try to spawn the vessel with VesselMover or if it was normally launched from VAB. As soon as you try move it with vessel mover the vessel will not stop moving upwards. Why? After trying to do some debugging it seems like if some properties were returning unexpected values that are necessary to decide when to stop moving the vessel upwards, however I'm not sure yet if it is related with colliders, wrong sizes, an internal bug that is returning wrong values, etc.
  13. Thanks @linuxgurugamer I have released a new version for KSP 1.7.3 https://github.com/jrodrigv/DestructionEffects/releases/tag/v1.10.0
  14. Sorry but at the moment I don't know how to fix it. I'm completely open for suggestions from other modders , developers, or KSP staff that can provide some ideas about what is happening with this new robotics parts. I'm pretty sure this is KSP bug given than everything but these new robotics arms are working fine.
  15. Thank you guys. The 1.8 upgrade made my day (even if I need to fix every single mod)
  16. Haha I believe PRE will not crash if you try to do it but I can tell you that KSP will freak out and the Kraken will be disturbed by your extended power. KSP is not designed to have loaded vessels on different SOI at the same time It is doable as a @Jacke pointed out other mods already are providing this. However I think that is out of the scope of this mod, which only cares about full loaded functional vessels
  17. Just answering to the Unity thing. As a modder and software developer, it is not only good but also necessary to do KSP 2 using Unity. If they want to release KSP 2 in one year they are going to need to reuse a lot of things from KSP 1. Specially, models , animations, shaders, etc. They will spent a lot of time looking at the current KSP 1 code to port, reverse engineer and refactor. And last but least, it will make porting mods "doable" ! Whether If you go to Unreal Engine....sorry but I believe instead of doable it will be extreme difficult or even impossible to redo a mod like BDArmory.
  18. And as a modder. +100 to this question Will they use latest Unity version? Will they consider multithreading from the very beginning? And finally I hope they do a beta release for modders so we can start porting as soon as possible.
  19. I will try to port BDArmory to KSP 2 as soon as we have a mod API :)
  20. Buenas, tienes un problema muy típico y que tampoco es muy complejo de arreglar. Es muy importante cuando diseñas una nave el comprobar cuales son su centro de masas (CenterOfMass/CoM en Ingles) y el centro aerodinámico/presión (Center of Lift/CoL) Imagínate por un momento una flecha de un arco, la flecha siempre vuela con una orientación estable gracias a las plumas/alas que ejercen una resistencia en su parte trasera. Esto en KSP se traduce a que el CoM está en la punta de la flecha y el CoL está en las alas/plumas de la flecha. Ahora traslada esa idea a tu cohete y cápsula. Tu cohete tendrá que comportarse como una flecha lanzada vertical durante el ascenso! Sin embargo y esto es la clave, durante el descenso como quieres que aterricé al revés tendrás que conseguir que el rozamiento se ejerza justo al revés. Como? Mi recomendación es usar aerofrenos, spoilers, etc en la zona más superior de la cápsula para que frenen en ese punto , junto con RCS en el punto superior para que hagan más momento durante el descenso. Luego asegúrate de descender con SAS en modo retrograde que te hará la vida más sencilla.
  21. Have you read the readme file? https://github.com/jrodrigv/BDAMultiplayer/blob/master/README.md
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