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Posts posted by Starhawk

  1. A number of posts have been removed.

    No member other than the moderation team has any right to tell other members what to post or how to post.
    Arguing about arguing is both unpleasant and completely off topic.

    Please keep to the topic at hand.  Also, it would be really positive to note that there are not simply two polarized points of view on any issue.  There is an entire spectrum.  Folks who disagree with your opinion are not necessarily bad, wrong, evil, lazy or degenerates.

    Opinions are not wrong in and of themselves.  And, to be sure, almost everything being argued is simply opinion.  Trying to prove to somebody that their opinion is wrong is not only futile, it is also unpleasant to witness.

    Thank you for you understanding,
    Forum Moderation Team

  2. A number of posts have been removed or edited since they contained messages that were off-topic, argumentative, or served no purpose other than to agitate other members or were responses to such posts.

    Please keep the discussion civil. 

    Threads that are largely comprised of nothing but mocking, bickering, and spite do not add anything useful to these discussions and make the forum a less pleasant place for all members.

    Thank you for your understanding,
    Forum Moderation Team

  3. I haven't had much time at all for KSP2 since the snow melted but I managed to find the time during the rainy weekend to submit an entry in the weekly challenge.

    I sent this probe to visit Jool and all five of its moons.


    If you look closely, you can see that all three inner moons are visible here.

    Happy landings!

  4. This is my Val level submission.

    Here is the probe, Loupe, named after the jeweler's device.


    Here's the craft trajectory showing Tylo-assisted gravity capture at Jool.


    The above trajectory did take more dV to set up than I would normally use.  Normally, I would do the correction burn deep in interplanetary space and it would cost on the order of 10 or 20 m/s dV.  But the trajectory prediction across SOI boundaries bug hits here, too, so I had to make the adjustment just after entering Jool's SOI.  I estimate that the maneuver still saved on the order of 1000 m/s dV.

    This shot shows Jool and all three inner moons.


    And here we are near Tylo performing the gravity assisted capture.


    Matching inclination with the inner moons.


    And setting up a rendezvous with Vall.  (pronunciation rhymes with ball, call, fall, etc)


    And here we are at Vall.


    And here is Loupe visiting Laythe.


    Leaving Laythe, we planned a close pass around Jool and an assist out to Pol's orbit.


    Here's the close pass to Jool.


    And entering Pol's SOI.


    A visit to Pol.


    After leaving Pol's SOI, I performed an inclination burn and got a surprise - an immediate rendezvous with Bop.


    And, finally, the probe is put into orbit around Bop.


    That was a very fun mission!

    Happy landings!

  5. A number of posts have been removed.

    Bickering, personal remarks, insults and discussion of such things is not an acceptable form of discourse on this forum.
    Please rein in the emotion when posting in order to avoid such messages.

    Thank you for your understanding,
    Forum Moderation Team

  6. I definitely want proper scanning as well.  Somewhat realistic orbital surveying is great gameplay.

    Persistent maps that are built up over multiple passes are very satisfying.

    I don't mind abstraction around a lot of things, but this is one area that I hope gets more realism than stock KSP1.

    Scansat is a great mod and provides much better and more interesting gameplay for me than the KSP1 kerbnet.

    Happy landings!

  7. 10 hours ago, Poppa Wheelie said:

    the correction was dramatically smaller than mine (31m/s to my 266m/s).

    I think what's going on is a misunderstanding.  Probably because I type too much when I get going.

    Your ejection trajectory in the 'Parallel Lines' pic isn't parallel to Duna's orbit.  It is mostly downward, but it is angled to the left in the pic rather than straight along Duna's orbit line.

    I believe that's why your correction was so large.

    The longer orange line that is goes all the way from top to bottom along Duna's orbit line should be ignored.  Only your ejection trajectory needs to be parallel.  I have grabbed your pic and drawn where the trajectory should be for an optimal transfer.


    That greenish yellow (yellowish green?) line shows where the trajectory should be.  So it should look more like this.


    Anyway, I hope that makes sense.  With that, you should be able to make the course correction much smaller.

    Happy landings!

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