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space jake

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Everything posted by space jake

  1. Thanks for updating! Possible bug, though: I no longer can change keyboard shortcuts. I open the keys popup, click Set for some action, and then hit a key. The "Press a key to bind X" message appears. When I press a key the Set button loses focus for a moment if I'm mousing over it, but the change doesn't take. The listed assigned key remains KeypadFoo, and the new key doesn't work. I've tried with many kinds of key combinations. No dice. I'm on a Mac, for what it's worth. For anyone else hitting this: I managed to change them by manually editing GameData/PreciseNode/plugins/PluginData/PreciseNode/config.xml. Key names can be found at https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/KeyCode.html.
  2. Blizzy, would you consider putting this one on SpaceDock? Thanks for the great mod!
  3. And, for that matter, SpaceDock? Thank you for all the work you're doing!
  4. A vintage table is sometimes unstable. OK, I've got nothing more than that. But ... what? :-)
  5. @danfarnsy, thank you for your willingness to take up the torch. I'll (patiently) look forward to your updates. If I may make one low-priority request: it would be great to have this mod integrated with the stock toolbar.
  6. Here here! TAC LS is my all-time favorite mod. Thanks for all the great times, and good luck with your future projects! I wish I had the time and C# knowledge to pick up the torch. I certainly hope someone steps up.
  7. Jeb must keep "accidentally" erasing the alert transmissions from the stranded male pilots. Bad Jeb!! I'm still seeing 100% females, btw. No idea how many I've passed, but we're definitely somewhere in 6 sigma territory. What a weird bug.
  8. Added a poll to generate some more data. Thanks for the replies so far.
  9. It seems that this isn't exactly the norm, but I've seen a few other reports of it. Here's one on steam, in which the poster claims to have seen around 15 rescue contracts, all of which are for females. Probability of that happening is 2^-15 = 0.003%. Granted, the poster perhaps could have crafted a better thread title to avoid a dogpile. Here's one on this forum. No numbers given. Here's another on this forum. No numbers given. Notably, one respondent says he/she only gets males. I've rescued seven kerbals and passed on at least four other rescue contracts. All of them female. Chance is 0.05% of happening randomly. Googling to find complaints of only rescuing males comes up empty. Maybe this is confirmation bias, but I doubt it. There are a lot of people playing this game, but probably not enough to chalk all the above up as coincidences. I wonder if there are some issues with the random number generator, or how it's seeded. This isn't detracting from my enjoyment of this fantastic game, of course. Mainly I'm just curious how many others are seeing this. If it's a configuration issue, I'm on a Mac OS 10.10, running KSP 1.03. I have more mods than I care to enumerate here. And for what it's worth, if I get a contract to rescue a male kerbal, I'll happily post up that I'm wrong.
  10. Ah, excellent! Never mind then -- and thanks again.
  11. Fantastic mod! Thank you for the quick update. One minor, nitpicking suggestion: would it be possible to save the ribbon stats in $ROOTPATH/saves/$GAME/FinalFrontier.dat rather than in $ROOTPATH/GameData/FinalFrontier.dat? When I upgrade KSP, I normally backup my saves directory and then wipe everything else to make sure I have a clean install. I'm sure at some point I'll forget that FinalFrontier.dat isn't in saves and wind up deleting all my ribbons.
  12. +1. I'm in this exact situation right now. Seems like it would be a trivial mod. I'm guessing there's a "max zoom" parameter in a file somewhere, and it simply needs to be changed. I'll poke around a bit in the config files, but hopefully someone more knowledgeable will pick up this torch. EDIT: I didn't find anything in the .cfg files, but I did notice that there's an icon on the nav ball that points you in the right direction if you have selected to navigate to the target.
  13. Is there any way to unlock secondary windows (for instance, the "create alarm" window) from the right side of the main KAC window? Clicking on the titlebar and dragging only seems to move the main window. I'd like to put the main window on the right side of the screen, but that results in the secondary windows being off the screen. Thanks! Sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find anything.
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