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  1. Would anyone here like an RPN calculator in KSP? I have a mod for that here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104382-0-90-Kerbal-RPN-Calculator-Update-1-3
  2. An ex button should come with the next update is now included, please let me know what other functions you think are important too. In other news, a new update with an "Engine Information" button that will bring up a new window where you can select the ISP of any engine at sea level or in space (for every mode in the case of multi mode engines) and it will be pushed onto the stack. Kerbal RPN Calculator 1.2 Released. Mainly code organisation changes but ex sneaked in to this release! Please test it for me and report anything you don't like.
  3. UPDATE: 1.4 Released, works in 1.0 now! Hi all, This is my first release on here but welcome to the Kerbal RPN Calculator... a simple calculator to be used in KSP. Download: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/226365-kerbal-rpn-calculator Source: https://github.com/ridecar2/KSPRPNCalc License: GNU GPL v3 This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin. Let me know what you all think please!
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