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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Scanning seeming to be working fine, its listing a concentration of Karbonite in the crust. And seeming you dont have the map open, that picture really doesnt say anything about whether its working or not. Just in case, you know that the big orange balls indicating locations of karbonite have been taken out right?
  2. Well the easiest way to do it would be to find something that is about the same size as it that is already KAS attachable and storable, then go look at the part file of it and copy the KASModuleGrab module from it on to the Scan O Matic. If I recall correctly, the Karborundum Scanner from Karbonite Plus is about the same size, and KAS attachable.
  3. You mean something more real like these perhap? Personally I love this mod, its a great science type mod that has a great Kerbal flair to it. And I got the Kuarq reference immediately when I read the description, pretty much that alone made me download the mod, and the great times I had with it afterwards made me keep it, so great work ethernet!
  4. Hey Angel, your dragonfly looks fantastic What mods are used to build it? And maybe I could trouble you for a copy of the craft file? Also, RoverDude, do you happen to have to have any of the craft files for the crafts in the pictures on the first page still laying around?
  5. Hi there, I wanted to start off saying that I love this mod, the fun utility crafts and things that you can make with it are fantastic Now I have been poking around the code for this mod, mainly for just testing out some little tinkerings and things I have been playing around with, but I will admit that I know very little about coding, which is why I generally only do little tinkerings here and there But anyway, so far I have understood everything I have needed to reasonably well, but I am not entirely sure what attachOnEva is refering too. The instructions you have say that it allows the part to be attached on kerbal eva, but im not sure what the is specifically refering to, seeming a kerbal has to be on eva for them to grab a part anyway. So if you dont mind, would you be able to explain that to be a little more? (Also I apologise in advance if this is a stupid)
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