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Everything posted by Postremus

  1. radni, please install .net 4.5. You can download it from here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/download/details.aspx?id=30653
  2. Please update your mono version. AFAIK you need at least mono 3.2.8 (?) to run ckan.
  3. @Tekener This is currently not possible to do. I created a issue based on your post to keep track on the status of this: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/issues/1377
  4. nanobot, are you using the latest ckan release (1.10.3)? what happens if you restart ckan, and then retry to install them?
  5. CKAN can also export as "Plain Text", "Markdown", "BBCode", "csv" and "tsv". You can select the file format in the "Export installed mods" dialog.
  6. yup, later would be nice. I personaly prefer your launch clamps, because they are way fancier. (and you can attach the KMSparkler on them )
  7. Weird bug with the launch clamps: without launch clamps, my rocket is 18.8m heigh. with stock launch clamps 20m. With spacey launch clamps, it is 36.5m heigh. -> nearly doubled size. That is really bad in a early carrer game..
  8. 8.155 Tons at launch. can reach an 100k by 100k orbit. It was build in 1.0.2. uses monoprop for completing the orbit, part cliping was used for a oktocore and a battery.
  9. 8.15 Tons at launch, can reach an 100k by 100k orbit
  10. jup, did a little test. The latest release thing is only changed, when a new commit is pushed to the repository.. Edit: Netkan does not care about what is marked as latest release.
  11. Looked into the netkan source, found something interesting. Netkan checks https://api.github.com/repos/Amarius1/Kerbol-Plus/releases to get the latest releases. It picks the first one of this list of releases, which is no prerelease. The list is ordered by the creation date of the release, not by the publish date. 2.0.6 is picked because it is the first one on that list. Posible solution would be either: A) Renaming the releases, and changing the downloads accordingly Delete all releases, and recreate them in the correct order
  12. why is the latest release v.2.0.5, when there is already a 2.0.6? That just makes it harder to create a ckan config for this mod.. Edit: Please mark the "v.2.0.5" as an release. The github api believes that it is a prerelease. Currently working on a .netkan.
  13. yup, that is one of the main reasons to use ckan for me - I have around 60 mods currently installed.. btw. just tryed to install this mod with ckan. got a 404. Shouldn't this link to your github? (should be easy to setup)
  14. the first tasks should give science only, and the later (and harder) tasks should give some technology. Like, upgrades for engines to make them more efficient.
  15. Hey, could you please add this mod to ckan? grettings postremus
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