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Everything posted by Catto

  1. Interstellar, alien technology. That's no moon, it's an interstellar portal! with some research, we may be able to unlock the secrets it holds.
  2. I have glasses, but not contacts. I can't fit my glasses on over a vr headset, and the thought of sticking a thin tiny lens in your eye freaks me out.
  3. my nearsightedness strikes again! i am unable to see using vr!
  4. Oh wow can't wait for new planet packs! I feed off of planet packs.
  5. Oh my gosh guys ksp 1.12.5 and it says it added something special on the mun imma check it out
  6. The bigger and more colossal a rocket is, the heavier of metal I will play
  7. Linx! Wake up from your casket sleep!
  8. Why don't we make sun cities if this is what you guys think are possible
  9. I dont understand my monkey brain dont understand
  10. Pshhhhh i don't want space travel at all I don't even want travel
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