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Everything posted by TaintedLion

  1. I found this patch for Scatterer, but I don't know if it would do volumetrics.
  2. Are there any patches that add Parallax 2.0 and/or Blackrack's volumetric clouds to JNSQ?
  3. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/v2uk827vmv65z5gndgzbw/KSP.log?rlkey=56xaa8x3ux85tso2iwcuadhel&dl=0 All I'm saying is that this problem didn't happen until after I got the latest update to this mod.
  4. My attachment nodes are moving apart immediately when I place them after installing this update.
  5. Is there a config to use this on 2.5x scale stock system? I tried installing this and it just freezes on load.
  6. Is there any solution to the engine switch problem?
  7. not entirely sure if the bluesmurff config is working i can't get anything into low earth orbit at all, they always fall quite short i do have the skyhawk mod with the extra fuels, but considering that just converts the base fuels, idk
  8. I'm using the devbranch, all I see are the old CM IVAs. I have the new LM IVAs, but the new CM ones (if they're there) aren't in my game.
  9. I mean, how do you convert a real-scale orbit, like say 1500km x 1500km, into KSRSS? Because obviously the planets are smaller than real life in KSRSS, how do you get the similar orbits?
  10. Any chance we're gonna get Pegasus and Taurus parts to round out the Orbital solid rocket family? And is Orion 38 for the existing Minotaur IV possible?
  11. Squad is an advertising agency I think. KSP was literally just a pet project of one of the employees there and it just became a thing. Advertising still makes up the bulk of their work IIRC.
  12. I'm running KSRSS, all the other engines seem to run fine. It's just the Delta IV that's not working well. I don't have that.
  13. The only mod I have that alters engine thrust is the BDB Extra that adds more thrust to upper stage engines.
  14. Does the Delta-IV feel extremely underpowered for anyone else? I'm struggling to get a TWR above 1.0 for the Delta-IVM even with an RS-68A. And even with the upper stage thrust buff patch the RL-10B2 struggles with TWR.
  15. I liked your Vanguard 3 but if you really want to keep it accurate it never actually jettisoned the third stage, it was left attached on purpose to incite a better spin for its magnetometer.
  16. Were attach nodes changed? I swear every node is just a slight bit lower now and I have to adjust manually.
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