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  1. Hi @Shadowmage . Huge fan of the KSPwheel plugin. I especially enjoy the fact that constraint axis are variable and not fixed to x and y like the stock wheel module. 

    I'd like to pick your brain for a second please. I wanted to ask you about the KSPWheelConstraints function and the different sub functions. At the moment I know of LOOKLOCK, ROTATION and LOCATION. 

    I'm currently working on a rig that uses the advantages of KSPwheel to implement aesthetics for a steering rod, proper suspension arc (used tips from an old @lo-fi video) and a visible CV joint. Managed to get everything working so far except for the CV joint. The problem is the CV joint has 2 pieces so it looks more realistic. I can easily remedy this by making the CV joint 1 piece but that looks less pleasing. lol 

    I was wondering if there were other functions of the KSPWheelConstraint that I could utilize to figure this out. Thanks for the great plugin. I can send a video of the rig if you're interested. 

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    2. Dundrogen


      Cheers to the art of deception comrade. Thank you for KSPWheel. Truly awesome.

      	name = KSPWheelRotation
      	wheelMeshName = WheelRim
      	rotationAxis = 1, 0, 0
      	name = KSPWheelRotation
      	wheelMeshName = CVSteerRot
      	rotationAxis = 1,0,0
      	name = KSPWheelRotation
      	wheelMeshName = CVBaseRot
      	rotationAxis = 1,0,0 


    3. Shadowmage


      Glad you got it sorted out and working to an acceptable level for you.  Certainly is fun when it all works out :)

      Now to put some textures and depth onto the piece....  (I have mods for that too, if you are interested in PBR texturing -- look for Textures Unlimited)

    4. Dundrogen


      I'll definitely check that out. Will need to learn how to texture. UV mapping this thing is going to be a nightmare for me ;.;. Also managed to get the CV ends to track alot smoother by shifting the target points around. 

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