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Everything posted by Xyphos

  1. I'd like to request an additional KAL-1000 (ModuleRoboticController) Sequence Play Mode to be added to the game; "Rewind" - This Loop Mode would play the sequence to the end like "Loop Mode: None" but will automatically rewind the Play Position to zero after the sequence completes; this will allow players to Loop the sequence as needed via Action Groups using only the "Play Sequence" Action. Currently, there's no known or easy way to repeat a sequence without using complex timing and sync'n multiple controllers together. EDIT: Alternatively, this can be achieved by allowing the "Stop Sequence" Action of the playing controller to stop itself while in "Repeat" mode, the controller could loop until it triggers it's own stop and await the player to continue playing the sequence. Currently, it's not possible for a controller to activate it's own Actions. Thank you for your consideration.
  2. I'm drafting a new mod, but I need to add additional axis groups to the action group editor, not sure where to start.
  3. Update: I'm freaking blind. FlightInputHandler.state.pitch roll and yaw too...
  4. When in flight, the pitch, roll and yaw indicators in the lower left show you how the vessel is being controlled. I want to obtain and use those indicator values, but don't see an obvious method.
  5. And found my answer; they changed it from Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode) to ExtendedInput.GetKeyUp(KeyCode) a minor edit, but what a pain changing it.
  6. Another reason why I don't use EVE. it's clouds obscure EVERYTHING and making it impossible to find your base and probes from orbit.
  7. the 1.8 update transitioned to a new version of Unity which broke most of the mods, and I've updated all but one of mine; I can't figure out the new keyboard input system, the old system was Input.GetKeyUp(Keycode) and now it's showing errors
  8. I too, noticed that it's weak-jointed, when attempting to build some rotary aircraft and the rotors bent and buckled under high RPM given by a made up gear system
  9. 31 Sequences and 124 Actions so far, and adding more causes the game client to freeze while it performs some long, unoptimized job of adding additional sequence tracks. I wanted to build something big and awesome but it's taking me over a week to accomplish because I literally add an action then have to get up from my desk and go do something else while the game attempts to process whatever it has to do.
  10. Second Update: this bug definitely seems to be part clone and symmetry related, the cloned parts override the original sequence tracks and symmetrical parts don't follow the original sequence at all, and seem to freak out when you add them individually
  11. UPDATE: Also seems to be affected by part cloning in the editor, if a part (and it's child parts) are cloned, the original parts' sequence tracks are added to the clone's and the original tracks are lost. I noticed this behavior when adding a second leg
  12. I'm playing KSP 1.8 on Win10 with both DLC's installed, and only RCS Build Aid as a mod. (which should be a stock feature IMHO) I've a folding leg on my vessel, four hinges and a piston. each hinge and piston has a "pack" mode at 0.0s so I can play the sequence in reverse to pack everything prior to launch. the pack sequence consists of an angle setting of -90 for each hinge and 0 extension for the piston, as well as nodes to turn off the motors and lock them in place to keep them from wiggling around. when the sequence is played forwards, the hinges and piston have their motors turned on at 0.1s and unlock at 0.2s then start moving into position at 0.5s leg is supposed to unfold, but it seems that the robotics controller isn't remembering all the sequence tracks when I switch from editor to flight. I'm not 100% sure what's causing it, but if I had to guess, it could be a de/serialization and/or persistence data issue because reverting back to the editor doesn't fix the problem, the sequence tracks are gone forever.
  13. is there anything I can do to support your mod(s) also?
  14. *shrug* not much difference, I suppose? My mod is simpler, only works for Stock Fuel Cells and not Cockpits. My mod also supports Axis Groups for Threshold adjustments. I guess it just comes down to personal preference https://imgur.com/ENo2wmy
  15. I couldn't tell you the difference, because I can't find your source code to determine the behavior, so take a look at my source code and compare for yourself. Based on what I can see, Mine uses a Min/Max slider with Axis Groups, and can be toggled into manual mode if needed.
  16. This plugin will attempt to conserve fuel consumption by automatically toggling Fuel Cells on or off in accordance with a minimum and maximum threshold setting on the Fuel Cell's context menu. Requires "Advanced Tweakables" to be enabled in your game settings. Only works with Stock fuel cells, but additional module manager .cfg patches could make it work with mod fuel cells. Downloads: SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/2248/Automatic Fuel Cells GitHub: https://github.com/Xyphos/KSP_AutomaticFuelCells/releases/tag/ Also available via CKAN. Source Code: https://github.com/Xyphos/KSP_AutomaticFuelCells
  17. I've written a mod where it uses a min/max slider and the slider shows and functions just fine, but the part is missing the [#] button in the upper right corner of the part's menu, which I liked having around because I could plug numbers directly in. how do I enable such a button?
  18. T is always Time U and V deals with texturing W is always Weight, or Magnitude. X is always left/right Y is always up/down Z is always depth if flight, you always look ahead towards the Z axis and can see both X and Y axis as left/right and up/down but in the editor, the Z axis is what you consider the Y axis, but it's really not, the editor is just positioned vertically.
  19. after some deep investigation, I've concluded that there's no clues given in the engine cfg file, but the only thing I can suggest is to investigate the engine's animation modules for the reverse thrust animation, it's possible that the thrust transform (the point and direction of thrust) reverses when the reverse animation is played thus causing the thrust to reverse direction. so you'll have to experiment a little and see if you can force the reverse thrust animation to play and see if that helps.
  20. I don't understand the drag physics system, Vector3d or Quanterions so I'm scratching my head on this one. I want to be able to offset the dragcubes of a part while in-flight, towards the "bottom" of the part all the way to the rear of the vessel and later reset it as needed.
  21. Use docking ports for a Stock option. Use Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) mod to build outside of the editor. If you prefer a Kludge-fix, create a Module Manager cfg file to add a docking port module to all parts, referencing their attachment nodes.
  22. I updated my mod Full AutoStrut on SpaceDock and it's update isn't showing up in NetKan's pull requests for some unknown reason. thanks! https://github.com/Xyphos/KSP_FullAutoStrut https://spacedock.info/mod/1479/FullAutoStrut
  23. Mod Update: Full AutoStrut v3.0.0.0 This mod will automatically set AutoStrut modes and other part options while you build your vessel. Added persistent settings, which now load/save when the plugin is loaded/unloaded, respectively. Updated UI - it's slightly smaller and easier to use plus the UI position now persists per settings file. Updated robotics support for both Breaking Ground DLC and Infernal Robotics. --- Robotic parts and parts attached to robotic parts will no longer have AutoStrut modes set in "Automatic" mode so they can move around freely. Added "Same Vessel Interaction" support. --- "Automatic" setting will automatically turn on SVI for all robotic parts and parts attached to robotic parts so they will collide. non-robotic parts will have SVI turned off by default unless the "On" setting is selected, then ALL parts being attached have SVI turned on by default. Mod is available for download GitHub: https://github.com/Xyphos/KSP_FullAutoStrut/releases/tag/ SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/1479/FullAutoStrut And CKAN release is pending (I don't control CKAN.)
  24. iirc, when the fuel priority system was introduced, the fuel system changed and you may be using a boolean flag from the old implementation. and an unverified educated guess, NoCrossFeedNodeKey would be the Key Identifier to the parent Attachment Node the tank(s) are connected to.
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