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Everything posted by Loskene

  1. Absolutely, the basic rules of the game don't change, rocket science is rocket science on any scale after all. It just requires a little more precision than you'd need for eyeballing builds and boosts around Kerbin, but a gravity turn is a gravity turn.
  2. iirc it was because they "fixed" the bow-tie autostrutting across mirror symmetric parts. Unfortunately the bowtie autostrutting, while apparently unintentional, was useful enough it became a critical design element for a lot of people, so they reverted it or made it into a proper behaviour or did something like that to fix the fix.
  3. 1) As long as it keeps making enough money to keep the lights on and pay staff, though with a AAA publisher on board you never know when that is. They could axe it tomorrow if they felt like it wasn't "meeting expectations" 2) As long as it remains on sale, which may be many years after the development period has ended, and continued sales justify their minuscule but non-zero hosting and serving costs.
  4. While we're all happy KSP survived the corporate dicer, let's not lose ourselves thinking it was anything on T2's part other than supplying the project with a cash injection and access to a wider selection of skilled developers, for the promise of a profitable return and nothing else. They have no artistic interest in the product, it's minutae or integrity of development. Games publishers do not hire from the games industry, all of their leaders come from the packaged goods industry. That should tell you all you need to know. We're lucky they've taken no interest in it beyond writing a self-serving EULA, for now, so long as it meets performance expectations.
  5. You said you don't know how to do that. Other people do. I'm one for supporting adding mods to the base game in order to make testing easier (I even want the MH mission editor made available in career games for exactly this), but if you think it's impossible or prohibitively difficult without them right now... nah mate. That's on you. The rest of us figured out the rules of the game by playing until we ran into their limits.
  6. It wouldn't surprise me if most of the "convenience" additions like these are things the devs have all thought of during the production process, they just wait and see which ones get noticed by the community to justify spending time and resources on them.
  7. I hope they're just cranked way up from the get go, 100m/s or more, rover wheel segments can be hitting the ground that hard even if the rover itself isn't. I'm currently using small pylons (with a crash tolerance of 80m/s) for tyres.
  8. Tank tracks are about to get very interesting. What's their impact tolerance?
  9. Please, first thing I do with any landing gear is make sure "deploy while stowed" is enabled. It's just a pointless headache that gets in the way of making things rather than helps at all.
  10. Could try using struts on zero-force decouplers so they break when you stage to release the robotics, but I think they're adding same-vessel collisions back in to solve some of these problems in other ways.
  11. I think that's our fault. How many times have any of us built a passenger plane, taken off, and realise we've forgotten to put passengers in it? I'd wonder if it ever crossed a KSP airline simulating player's mind to add some dummy mass to the plane for all their bags. I like life support mods for taking the burden of working that out off my shoulders, makes space travel more realistic, should work for airplanes too where "supplies" are hopefully not the fish dinner. On the plus side technically we do have DLC to give them actual carry-on luggage now.
  12. Since the mohole is a spherical mapping defect (literally square peg round hole problem) and it extends all the way to the centre of the planet, though gets too narrow to slide all the way down, making the "core" of Moho for a certain radius around its origin into a minibiome should work for these purposes. Then increase the ambient temperature as you descend and make an achievement for anyone who reaches it, The Core style
  13. This is what happens when you log too many hours in flight sims
  14. Been waiting for these to dig into it. Really digging the after-sales support for this one. If you have time I'd love to see a pass on the MH mission editor that lets us use it in a normal save from the VAB/SPH, so we can set up repeatable testing scenarios with defined goals and start locations when doing extensive fiddling on complex craft in career or sandbox. I think it could be far more useful as a "computer simulation" tool (even toggleable as a difficulty setting in career) than its current functional but conceptually limited role as a challenge map sharing device.
  15. Even realism overhaul with all the modpacks (which has persistent rotation under timewarp and other things you'd need to achieve this) doesn't ask you to physically point your dish at Earth to simulate a connection. It's more hassle than it's worth.
  16. Yeah, why make one video when twenty-six will do? I forgive you but my scroll wheel would like a few words.
  17. Don't know if it's been brought up here yet but small pylons make excellent tyres. Very high crash tolerance and a grippy collider. This thing weighs 40 tons but it can climb mountains at 40m/s without slowing down or using the jets, which are largely aesthetic and cause more problems than they solve, and it has to fall at least its own height before the suspension gives up and you lose a couple parts. I'm amazed by the performance of the first working thing I've built with the DLC.
  18. It's common for otherwise stable planes to drift off course or wobble during physics warp due to calculation inaccuracies. If you didn't know how it worked and it happened while you're passing over mountains you'd be forgiven for thinking it was caused by turbulence, it certainly looks like it sometimes.
  19. Sure, sounds good. We can make trebuchets held down by strut and released by hand then too. It's just like that mod I always think will be handy but I never bother installing. It's a very niche thing that suddenly has a lot of applications with robotics.
  20. Absolutely. If you're going to organise a filing system for convenience sake, you may as well go whole hog and throw in everything you need to organise stuff. Folders, subfolders, sorting by attribute, renaming, hiding, deleting, searchbox integration, whatever people would keep coming back to ask for if you give them one of those things.
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