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Everything posted by Li0n

  1. Maybe the window is drawing off-screen, try to delete GameData/AntennaHelper/PluginData/Settings.cfg, it will reset all the window position. Or delete the whole AntennaHelper folder and re-download/re-install, just to be sure. PS : welcome to the forum
  2. Nope, for two reason : ec consumption change the gameplay/balance, I don't want Crew Light to do so there's already a mod that do it : (scroll down to Electric Light)
  3. Crew Light v1.14 is up on GitHub, and SpaceDock as soon as the 1.4.2 tag is available Enjoy
  4. @Gordon Dry can you test this ? Check on a clean install In the editor, try to open AH before placing any part
  5. I can't reproduce that. Tried the "regular" VAB and the mission/builder one. Are you on KSP 1.4.2 with AH 1.0.2 ? Try to delete the AntennaHelper folder in GameData, re-download, re-install. There was an issue like the one you described but it was fixed on AH 1.0.1.
  6. Antenna Helper 1.0.2 is up, on GitHub, SpaceDock and CKAN soon This is a not quick and dirty release. I realized I heavily relied on the space center being the first scene on a game, that cause a lot of issue with the mission. I've started to re-wrote some of the code to be more independent but there's actually a lot to be re-written (and even more if I want to be able to support mods that change the commnet) so I made this release works with the mission builder by removing everything that don't Will see later for a proper re-write from scratch...
  7. @VITAS just FYI : KSP 1.4.2 has been released yesterday. Can you add the new tag to the listing ?
  8. I did take a quick look at Kerbalism's doc and there is no chance Antenna Helper can work with it, for the moment anyway. After I've release a version for KSP 1.4.1 I'll take a look at support for Kerbalism and RemoteTech. I don't use those mods so if you have any suggestions about what I should add to the UI please share it
  9. I'll need more details, is the missing button happen on a stock install or only when AH is installed along Kerbalism ? Is it missing on all scenes ? And on which version of KSP and AH are you ? I highly doubt the -force-glcore has anything to do with it, but if you can try run the game without it, just to be sure.
  10. Just to add more confusion : French should also be blue, or red
  11. Little heads up : I've just re-upload Antenna Helper 1.0.0 (for KSP 1.3.1) and 1.0.1 (for KSP 1.4.0) on GitHub to include Russian localization, thanks to @AlexALX. For 1.4.1 I need to account that a game don't necessary start from the KSC, which I was relying on for making the list of flying relays in the editor, and for some stuff in the tracking station. Anyway, should come soontm
  12. @Askirkela My guess is that building others than editors and the tracking station are not scene, just screen on top of the current scene (ie the KSC). You can try to listen for event fired when those screen shows/hide : "GameEvents.onGUIAdministrationFacilitySpawn" for example. And hide/show your app accordingly.
  13. @Blatas Salut et bienvenu sur le forum Pas vraiment Pour ce genre de question le plus efficace est probablement le sous-forum "Gameplay and Tutorials", en anglais par contre. Si tu ne parle pas anglais le mieux est de créer un nouveau sujet dans le sous-forum français. Cela fait quelques temps que je n'ai pas joué en mode carrière, je crois qu'il y a 2 types de test, ceux qui demande de tester l'activation de la pièce (appuyer sur espace) et d'autres qui demande un test "générique" (clique droit sur la pièce, clique sur le bouton "Run Test" (ou équivalent fr). Pour le propulseur qui explose à l’amerrissage, a quelle vitesse est-ce que tu touche la surface ? Plus de 7m/s c'est risqué.
  14. There's two band programmed at that time : Amanda White Band and The James Rocket. How to guess which one is yours ? https://www.lilypadinman.com/home/2018/4/14/amanda-white-band-the-james-rocket
  15. J’espère que le service client de Steam va vite te régler sa. Pour le fichier je n'ai pas KSP en français, mais je peut t'envoyer celui en anglais (ce sera toujours plus facile a comprendre que le chinois ).
  16. La quantité de RAM n'a pas d'impact sur ce genre de problème. Commence par désinstaller Steam puis ré-installe le. Tes jeux ne seront pas supprimés. PS : pour tagger quelqu'un tape @ et les premières lettres du pseudo, une liste devrait apparaitre ou tu peut choisir, cliquer, sur le pseudo, il apparaitra comme sa @Tyty et tu reçois une notification.
  17. @Rezza Goan très bonne idée. Si je peut ajouter une idée : conserver une liste des mods traduit, en plus de la liste des mods à traduire. (C'est ce que font les espagnols sur leurs thread)
  18. I understand the challenge idea and therefore the unavailability of difficulty option for the mission player. My issue is for mods hooking into the difficulty settings screen, some (most ?) show settings that are not difficulty settings, and so should be available to the mission player. As an example : I maintain a little mod call Real Time Clock, it adds a clock to the game and has a setting to set the time to 12 or 24h format. To me it don't make sense to force this setting on the player. I realize this issue is not exactly related to the Mission Builder (but it wasn't a problem before). It's more about mods using the difficulty screen for stuff not related to difficulty. But what are the alternatives ? Either using a .cfg file or writing a setting's UI. Both are not very intuitive/user-friendly. So I wish there's a way to set some parameter to always available, or a mod settings menu separate from the difficulty one. I can understand that this issue being 100% related to mods @SQUAD may not consider it very important, and the Mission Builder is too new to know what players/modders need to take the best of it. Anyway I'm not worried, KSP being KSP, even if @SQUAD don't do anything about it someone else will I realized that. I wish it be a little more proactive, at least parse Mission Creator's ship for mod's part and show those mod as required. @JPLRepo will you write Modder's Note this time ? No rush but it will stop me from asking questions.* * at least for the time it will take me to read the notes
  19. Dans ton premier message tu disait que Steam plantait sur la page de changement de langue, est-ce réglé ? Si la réponse est non tu as un problème avec ton install de Steam (et il est probablement plus sage de commencé par régler cela, avant de bidouiller KSP). Si tu ne peut pas régler le problème par toi même (réinstalle, déplace le dossier d'installation, etc...) envoi un mail au support de Steam, ils sont assez réactif.
  20. Si tu as acheté KSP avant le 20 mars 2013 tu peut demander a SQUAD de t'envoyer une clé pour Steam. Si non, dans le répertoire d'installation de KSP il y a un fichier "settings.cfg", ouvre le avec notepad et change la ligne "LANGUAGE = en-us" en "LANGUAGE = fr-fr". Cette technique ne marche pas avec la version Steam (les fichiers de traductions doivent être re-telecharger) mais peut-être est-ce différent avec la version du store ?
  21. If by they you mean the modding community I'm sure it comes in no times I completely agree with the lacks of nodes, not just for Kerbal. The function I want most is the ability to test velocity between two vessel (testing a rendez-vous, without docking).
  22. Sounds like a nice mission The one node I found that can take a kerbal or a vessel as parameter is the test distance node :
  23. @yrou Traduire un jeu, et KSP est loin d'un petit jeu, demande beaucoup de travail. Jette un coup d’œil a ce dev post : Pour ce qui est du forum, on a eu un sous-forum français pendant longtemps, il a fermé à cause du manque de fréquentation. Si tu joue a KSP depuis 5 ans et que tu as besoin de la traduction, oui je suis choqué
  24. Maintenant que le forum a, de nouveau, une section française ce serait une bonne idée de fermer/déplacer ce topic. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/100-french-français/ (oui c'est un peu vide pour l'instant (mais moins que chez les Italiens et Allemands )
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