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Everything posted by serg.bloim

  1. Hi there! I need some advice. When I tune my maneuver node to achieve a precise approach to the target I usually tweak prograde, normal, radial and UT in PreciseManeuver window to make the closest approach. The problem is that to read the approach I need to to go native 'Approach Info' view and select my maneuver node(by default it shows approach for the current orbit). The problem happens, when I want to tweak the maneuver further, and click smth in the PM window, then 'Approach Info' switches back to the current orbit mode and doesn't show the approach after the node. So I end up changing maneuver -> selecting my node in 'Approach Info' -> repeat the cycle. It's annoying. Is there a way keep my maneuver approach info on while I modify the node?
  2. Hi, I have a feature request. Would be good to have a copy-paste feature. For instance if I need to change symmetry settings for a part, but want to keep the position and rotation, I could copy pos/rot in precise editor, then change the symmetry(it breaks position) and restore the pos/rot with precise editor.
  3. Hello there. I'm looking for a very particular feature in the editor. I want to change symmetry settings(mode and number) after the part is placed. Scenario: I have a rocket and adding a booster to its side. But after I perfectly placed and rotated the booster I understand I need more of them. Currently I have to click on the part(and remove it by this), change the symmetry settings and place it back. The problem is that it breaks the position and rotation settings. It would be better if I can select a part(like CTRL-click) without removing it from the ship. And then change the mode and\or copy number so it will apply with the existing position and rotation.
  4. I placed a maneuver node on my orbit and then noticed that the node's time shown in the node editor is in the past. It shows 11d, 03:50:30. But it is already 12d(shown in the top time box near to the warp indicator). It turns out the difference is exactly 1 day. I checked a couple of times with freshly created nodes and the behavior is consistent. On the screenshot I caught a moment when the ship is on the maneuver node, so you can compare times. It is not a huge issue and possible to work around. I basically wanted to check, do others have this bug? Is it a known issue? And please let me know if you know how to make these values aligned.
  5. Hi there. I have a couple of mods. Enough for scroll buttons to appear on my toolbar.Apparently some icons I use most of the times are in the very bottom of it. And I wish I can rearrange them, so I don't need to scroll all the time.Is there a way or mod how to reorder these icons? I would be happy even if there's a way to change smth in the config files to fix it. And I can see the order is consistent, so there is some determined criteria it uses. I looked into save files, but got nothing related. Thanks!
  6. Hi there. I have a couple of mods. Enough for scroll buttons to appear on my toolbar. Apparently some icons I use most of the times are in the very bottom of it. And I wish I can rearrange them, so I don't need to scroll all the time. Is there a way or mod how to reorder these icons? Thanks!
  7. Hi there! I'm not sure this topic is the right place, so if you know a better one, please let me know. I see a strange behavior of Action Groups and VAB upgrades. But it also applies to stock game(v1.12.3), I checked it with no mods. My observations from stock game: VAB lvl1 you cannot use ActionGroups since menu is not there. VAB lvl2 It says you can only use basic ActionGroups. As I remember when I played a couple years back, it means you can only use groups like gear, brakes, light, etc. But now when I select a part, I can assign custom groups 1-0 as well. Custom groups work fine in flight. VAB lvl3 it says you can use custom groups and it works like in lvl2. I am posting it here, cause I installed Custom Barn Kit for my unkerballed start career. And as I remember, action groups were available from the very lvl1(SPH). Am I doing smth wrong? What is the expected availability of ActionGroups in stock and modded game?
  8. @Krazy1 Thanks for checking. I think I resolved my issue. My problem was I didn't notice I have compatibility for 1.3 for some mod. And it caused this strange version filtering for me.
  9. Hi there, can anybody confirm the mod works for KSP 1.12.3? I installed mod v8.1 from CKAN and my KSP version I can see the icon of the mod in the toolbar at KSC and in flight. But when I click it, nothing happens or appears. Is there any way how to check logsf or errors? Thanks. ---- Update ---- I think i faced some weird CKAN effect. To troubleshoot I created a separate installation with no mods and installed Contracts Window+. it worked. But turns out for that installation CKAN installed mod v 9.4. And for my first installation it showed that the latest is 8.1(which is not working.) I tried to dig deeper why CKAN showed me 8.1. If I set `compatible game versions` to 1.10, 1.11, 1.12 -> it will show the latest version 8.1 If I set `compatible game versions` to 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12 -> it will show the latest version 9.4 I'm not sure how it all works and what metadata is involved, but seems like some misconfig. Can you please check and fix if required?
  10. Hi acalculus, there is another idea for your tool. In a science missions it is very useful to know the experiments carried on the vessel. Could you please add this feature? Using it I could easily check whether I gathered all possible science in visited biomes or not.
  11. Hi acalculus! I find this app really useful. But it's not working for me in 1.0.2. I had some investigations and seems like it cannot parse some keys that contain '/' symbol. I've made a fix and a pull request on github. Could you please review and publish? Thanks!
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