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  1. Yeah 5th value is the Y attach. the 7th value is "Size" if it is assigned. No, like Katalliaan said a few were already properly assigned. Yay! looking forward to the official update then. This just became a must have mod for me so ill keep using my ghetto fix until then If y'all want a hand I'll volunteer, but you guys do great work.
  2. Just made an AHK script to do it for you if you want. If you already have AutoHotKey Just save the script to the parts folder (dont forget LLL-Extra), run and press ok. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. NSB = node_stack_bottom msgbox Start Inc = 0 tooltip, % Inc Loop, *.cfg, 1, 1 { FileRead, CurrFile, %A_LoopFileLongPath% Old = % CurrFile New = loop { IfInString, Old, %NSB% { Inc += 1 tooltip, % Inc StringGetPos, NodePos, Old, %NSB% StringLeft, Temp, Old, %NodePos% StringTrimLeft, Old, Old, %NodePos% New = % New . Temp Loop, Parse, Old, `, { StringLen, Len, A_LoopField Len = % Len + 1 StringTrimLeft, Old, Old, %Len% if A_Index < 5 { New = % New . A_LoopField . "," continue } New = % New . " -1.0," break } } else { break } } New = % New . Old FileDelete, %A_LoopFileLongPath% FileAppend, %New%, %A_LoopFileLongPath% } tooltip, % Inc pause #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
  3. First time poster (yay me), long time mod editor in multiple games (KSP, Skyrim, Minecraft, ect.), and programmer for life. The fix for the attachment nodes in 1.0 is actually super simple - though also super tedious - all that needs to be done is change each part cfg where it says: to where the x's will maintain original values. I am in the process of finishing up mine and can upload the edited files if Lack is cool with it.
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