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  1. Hello. I found a bug with methane engine upgrade. When I unlock first upgrade related to this engine it thrust drops to 300 kN instead of increasing. Step by step with pics: It also could be not a specific methane engine bug but more general error in parts upgrade code. Thank you for your attention, KSPI in general is still the most "believeable" and enjoyable mod.
  2. sorry, from Near Future Propulsion - LV-601 / LV-601-4 / LV-95 / LV-95-6. from SpaceY - only "V1 vernier thruster" (from control panel) and bunch of solids.
  3. Hello guys. Thank you for the great mod. I repost my question from the "stockalike eng" topic:
  4. Have a slight midgame problem: Ore converter still produce liquid fuel, oxidizer and monopropellant instead of usable resources. Can ore converter be modified too? One more fix needed. Some "SpaceY Heavy lifters" orbital monopropellant engines are untouched too. (as well as solid boosters but solids are not critical).
  5. And yes, tweakscale was unstable ('broken' honestly) from the very start. And it does not give anything beyond conventional parts of various sizes in my eyes.
  6. For the sake of compatibility I plead you to revert 'LqdOxygen' resourse back into stock 'oxidizer' as in previous version of KSP-I.
  7. Greetings. I need help. I can't change engine modes not in flight nor in editor. When I rightclick on detail there is no such option at all. But TCA works fine and all engines work as 'Main' as I can see. Version 1.0.2, TCA 2.2.1 is the only plugin installed. What could be gone wrong? (sorry for my english, btw )
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