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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Five 1 star Kerbals landed on Duna with a return trajectory VERY close to the Sun. They came back at 4 stars. What makes this feat an accomplishment? I ran out of dv getting into orbit of Duna (thanks for interrupt Ike) so the lander did ALL the work AND made it back to Kerbin with enough dv to allow the Kerbonauts to survive landing withut a chute. I seem to over-engineer everything BUT my rockets. That trip aged my space program more than I would have liked. I've only been playing since 1.0 hit and this happened yesterday. Best sick day evar!
  2. My advice is to read up a little on using the navball. Then go into sandbox where it's free and doesn't affect your game. Build something simple, open the cheat menu for infinite fuel (optional but it's one less thing to worry about) and go to space and play around. You can watch video's all day but until you actually play around with it, it seems harder than it is. I messed around for about 2 hours like that one night and I can now easily get any orbit asked for in very few moves and can grab something in space with the claw pretty quick. Lining up docking ports is still a little tough for me but I think that's more muscle memory than anything.
  3. Have you tried the [ ] keys to switch ships? I've had this issue quite a few times. When all else fails, go back to KSC to the tracking station then switch to the ship. Edit: D'oh! didn't see that in the pic.. lol
  4. From the definition of tundra I have in memory this is very strange indeed.
  5. Batteries and solar panels are the bane of my existance.
  6. My first return trip from orbit ended that way. So sad. I could have been blinded by science but alas, no.
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