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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. No its not. OKay, i was trying to make fun of all the SSTO challenge/question with that intro, but i guess nobody got that. I'll edit it so everyone can understand what i mean, and stop saying its impossible.....
  2. Jesus... you sure got a way to take the funny out of stuff.
  3. Uhm, i guess this wasn't clear enought... You don't have to leave kerbal and bring everything around. The stage to get you in Kerbin orbit can be detached. What i meant by leaving in one piece is that you can't build a monster with 3-4 launch from kerbin. It has to be built on kerbin, not in space.
  4. A Single lander Across the system! Basically here's one, i hope, interesting challenge. You need to design a craft, that can do science (obviously), land on "almost" all moon across the system and ... tourist! (because otherwise it'd be too easy!) So basically, the goal is to have something leaving Kerbal (that part can use a detachable launcher), then hop from moon to moon (and planet if you insist) until it visited every moon in the system. Rules ; - You can refuel, but you NEED to drop your own refinery, or drag it with you. - Whatever that get you in Kerbin orbit can be detached, but your lander has to leave kerbin in one piece. - You cannot leave anything on any planet (well, except unfortunate accident, of course). No litter on planets/moons! - Need either enough scientific experiment for each mun, or a scientist to store/reset them. - Landing can be done with detachable lander, or with whole craft. In any case, all tourist need to be able to land too. - Stock. No "special" engine, or tank. Everything need to be stock. - Clipping is OK. - Need to be able to return to Kerbin Reward ; Beginner (10 pts) ; Land on Mun, Minmus, Gilly and Ike Advanced (50 pts) ; Land all Beginner + Dres, Moho and Duna Expert (100 pts) ; Land on Every.Single.Planet and Moon. (except Jool, Duh!) bonus Tourist ; Bring 2 tourist (1 pts) Bring 4 tourist (10 pts) Bring 8 tourist (20 pts) Bring 16 tourist (30 pts) Bring 32 tourist (40 pts) Bring 64 tourist (50 pts), and be refered as the bus driver. bonus conception ; less than 50t lander ; 20 pts less than 100t lander ; 10 pts less than 125t lander ; 5 pts To be considered as complete, show a picture on the launch pad and of each planet/moon landed. (if you're missing one or a few, we'll refer to the gentlemen agreement that nobody cheats on those challenge and let it slide). Good luck! I'll try and post my poor attempt tonight. Leaderboard 1- 2- 3- 4-
  5. Did my first landing on Eve since... 1.02 i think.... was ALOT harder than i remembered... first lander attempt was without heatshield... that didnt last long at all. second lander attempt was with heatshield... that didnt help much on the first 2-3 attempt. I had to really just touch the atmosphere to hope have any electricity left... in the end, my 4 solar giga panel died... thanks god it was just a station without anyone, or anything worth mentionning on it.... The the second part of the craft landed on Gilly. Once at 50k from landing, i realized i had zero mono left... that was quite a challenge to land, but in the end it was alot easier than i expected... Now i need to get back, and i think i'm very, very short on fuel (only 2800 Delta V+1500 ore)... That and the fact that i completely forgot to bring any battery on that stage, living with only the 100 electric charge from the crew compartment........ KERBAL STYLE!
  6. i'm pretty sure i've disabled something important.... when i try to "dock" (or in my case, go really, really fast toward something), i can't see the text saying the name, the distance, etc... any clue what i disabled? I though it was something i had to upgrade, but everything is fully upgraded.......
  7. tried to build a SSTO, then just tried to build a plane, then gave up, and went back to rocket. built my "new" and improved base, capable of carrying 6000 ore (because i can!,... and because a mission ask me to), and with enough delta V once in space to get pretty much everywhere (4000+). I'm kind of lazy, so no upload except steam ; http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/441701048986748085/0AB298101E83800C930F481554CB806C33C8BC14/
  8. i thought that a long time too... until i saw videos explaining science... but that thinking made sense at least... One misconception i still have, is concerning my landers... for some reason, i can't concieve anything that can get to duna or gilly, and that doesnt mine its fuel for the return trip. it's... just.... not possible in my mind
  9. I think it can go in the stupid things.... last night, or actually, the past 3 nights, i been engineering a rocket that would leave kerbin, go to the mun, minmus, then Duna and Ike. On the orbiter, i had wayyyyyyyyy too much fuel (i duped pretty much the biggest "stock" tank 90% fuel on the mun surface). BUT, the lander on other hand was pretty fine for the mun and minmus, but when i got to duna...... i had 1200ish delta V to leave Duna and get back in orbit. under-engineered big time. I had to use monopropellant, i had to use ore, i had to pray to all god to make it to orbit. In the end it worked, but going that far with that little delta v was damn stupid... luckily, leaving from ike to kerbin wasn't too hard (takes what, 600 delta v?) and i managed to land it safely... but it was its first, and last trip for that lander.
  10. I managed to complete LOADS of missiong heading to Duna... the complete reward was over 8M$ !!!!! Was quite a challenge with my 1300 or so Delta V after dropping the kerbin orbiter (had to use mono to deorbit to Duna, for example.)
  11. Landing on Eve... okay, there was no way i was leaving there, but still, i was amazed how "easy" it was.
  12. under-engineered a ship to go to duna... i basically have to mine, fil up my fuel, then fil up my ore to be able to get anywhere... but, it works! I think i can get pretty much anywhere with it, as long as i can land where there's ore.
  13. i cheated last night. i disactivated the damage, because i coudlnt figure out how to revert my activation of parachute while on minmus.... no engineer and all...
  14. worked, thanks! and textpad does wonder with those files.
  15. i know that. but the max (accepted and available) is always 15. i want to increase that
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