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Everything posted by Shiolle

  1. Contract Configurator 1.27.1 is working with KSP 1.7.3 for me. I've seen there was a problem with one of the Fine Print contracts on the latest version. Not sure if this is your case or not.
  2. A little bit of feedback, if I may. Background: I have started a new campaign recently with ResearchBodies, Tarsier Space Technologies and Other Worlds reboot (which adds Cersani system) as well as other mods which won't be relevant. I am using default settings as I thought to use the mod as it was intended. Difficulty is custom, but based on Hard. I have even written a ResearchBodies config for Other Worlds. Here is my experience with Research Bodies in this context. By far the most efficient way to discover bodies is sending probes to them. Never bother with anything but discovery through probes. Send them out as early as possible. It is the fastest and cheapest way, and quite easy too. Note that you don't need to have communication with Kerbin at the time of flyby. If you have done all your maneuvers at your home planet, the probe itself could be quite cheap. The rest of the mod is basically penalties disguised as features. If you cannot send probes and don't have Tarsier Space Technologies, you are penalized by having to pay both huge amount of funds (850k per body with a space telescope that comes with the mod) and wait a lot of time (900 days with telescope contracts per celestial body). If you have Tarsier Space Technologies, the penalties in both time and funds are cut, but it is still by far more efficient to just send probes. Non-telescope contracts and search the skies contracts are a complete waste of time and money. There are zero reasons to do any of them. There is also no reason to upgrade the observatory as it only affects the contracts and not the space telescope. If you scale the solar system you may have to, but not in the default game. Furthermore, if you are using TST with research bodies and don't want to waste money on researching the bodies, your telescopes will just sit in orbit, until your probes get to their destination, which is not great for immersion. As the result of all the above, progression with research bodies is broken: instead of discovering the bodies, researching them and then sending missions to them, you just send probes. If you decide to play by the book, you are in for a whole lot of pointless time-spinning and contract grinding to pay for those telescope contracts, even with mods like Kerbal Construction Time that limit your abilities to launch rockets in rapid succession. Documentation is abysmal. Maybe I am spoiled by the likes of Kerbalism and kOS, but if I knew what using this mod entails, I wouldn't have installed it in the first place. There might be an exploit which allows you to make money through this mod. It requires sending a probe to a celestial body waiting for it to get there and get the body instantly researched, then going to the observatory and stopping the research plan for that body. You recover 200k funds, then switch back to your probe and get the body researched again. The option to end the research plan should be disabled for fully researched bodies. Sorry for the negative feedback. I just don't enjoy the experience and I don't want to remove it either this late in the game because I will have to edit the save file. Since my campaigns are Frankensteins relying on getting just the right mods working with a specific version of the game and never updating them, I don't want to change anything when I have already researched almost all 300 science nodes in CTT.
  3. Hi. What is supposed to happen when you point a Tarsier Space Technologies telescope at a discovered (has icon on the map) but unresearched (0 progress) body? Should you see it in the telescope? Edit: The answer is "yes", you can take their pictures although they will have their textures blurred (because the bodies are unresearched). Additionally, when you transmit or recover the resulting experiment data, it will add 20% progress to this body research and will charge you proportionally to the progress, so this route may be quicker, but is not cheaper than going through telescope contracts. It is not mentioned anywhere that you will have to pay for recovering the experiments, so you can waste a lot of money in this manner before you notice something is wrong, or pushed into negative balance if you are not careful.
  4. They are working on multiple star systems support. I was able to build a version of Kerbalism (using two different branches) that worked quite well, and I've done the config. So, as you can see that's not finished, but once it is, I can provide you with this config if you wish.
  5. If I made a compatibility config for this mod to support Kerbalism (add radiation profiles to all the bodies) would it be a config for this mod or Kerbalism? Which mod supports which?
  6. @Sir Mortimer Thank you very much. The new branch is working great. I've also experimented with the reference body, and this setting is working as long as there is only one planet mod installed. The worlds beyond is itself modular, however that is not the problem since planets are loaded after stars and they should not affect the index. However other mods may affect it, depending on the order in which bodies are loaded. However, with these new changes, reference body is very easy to assign automatically. I created a pull request for this in sstu-and-solar branch. Thank you
  7. Thanks a lot, @Sir Mortimer, for providing the branch for multiple star support. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to test it properly yet because of a couple of problems there. All the problems I've encountered so far have the same cause: the root of the hierarchy of celestial objects (Sun in my case) doesn't have an orbit (it is null). So, the first problem was with Storm.Storm_frequency(double dist) method. It produces a null reference exception because it gets the star (Sun) of the home body (Kerbin) and tries to retrieve its orbit, which is null. Log. It seems this method tries to calculat how much one AU is in game's distance units, and for that you need body's orbit, not it's parent star orbit. I fixed it like this: It will run into a problem, however, if some mod decides to use a moon as a home body. The next problem is with Sim.Apoapsis(CelestialBody body). Again, for root object the orbit is null and there is a null reference exception. Log. I have fixed it like this: I've got to the third problem, withe Sim.SolarLuminosity(CelestialBody sun), and it most likely lies with this line: double A = Lib.PlanetarySystem(FlightGlobals.GetHomeBody()).orbit.semiMajorAxis; Log. However, this will have to wait until morning.
  8. @Sir Mortimer Thank you for your reply. I've created the first iteration of configs for one of the smaller solar systems in that pack based on values for similar stock planets and the description of the bodies in the pack. However, the major issue aren't even the values, but the fact that all magnetopauses are oriented towards Kerbol and not their host star (see the screenshot below), which is not even coplanar with the bodies in the new system. I will try to install Extrasolar to see if this issue is somehow resolved there, and if it is, how. While this is ongoing, I found out that some of the engines in Kerbal Atomic are missing a radiation source and added them using extrapolation of existing engines based on their power. I will share it a bit later.
  9. Hi. Thank you for the great mod. I have a question about Kerbalism support. There is a nuclear reactor in this mod which does not have a radiation source attached when Kerbalism is installed. Do you know if anyone has made a fix for this issue previously?
  10. Hi, and thank you for the great mod. I would like to use some bodies from the World Beyond mod. Of course, planets there don't have radiation profiles, and I would like to create a few. This is a huge mod, and I'm only using two small systems in it (it's fairly modular). I'm not sure I have the patience to cover the whole mod. I have read the section of the documentation about modding Kerbalism, but I still have some questions. I'm not sure how to approach multiple stars orbiting each other. I've seen in OPM config inside Kerbalism, it extended Kerbol's heliopause. Do I need for the heliopause of each star encompass its SOI? Will it work? All exoplanets show 0 solar flux. I guess that is because the stars they are orbiting are considered planets by Kerbalism (they have surface temperature and other values that Sun doesn't have). How do I make Kerbalism recognize them as light and radiation sources? What radiation model do you suggest for a pulsar? It must have a hell of a radiation flux. Also, how do I select values for Van Allen belt strength for planets? I was going to base them on RSS data and their descriptions, but I'm not sure I understand how radiation pause parameter works.
  11. I'm writing a patch that modifies a significant number of blocks. It references each of them by name because I don't want to affect blocks in other mods with similar names, so using wildcards is not an option. I also have a significant list of mods this patch will not support. I have to apply it to every top level entry (PART in my case). Is it possible to specify a common need block for multiple entries or the whole file? I've read documentation on module manager and looked through a few mods that do similar things, but I have not found anything like this. Is it possible?
  12. I personally was looking at Probes Before Crew. I can say with that the configs I'm working on, when they are done, will support PBC, but integrating with Unkerballed looks like much more work, since there are more changes to the tech tree on top of CTT.
  13. Could I ask you to remove the link to CTT configs from the OP for the time being? They are horribly out of date and Unmanned Before Manned is no longer developed. I am working on an update.
  14. This is indeed a refined CTT patch that tries to improve aircraft progression and actually give a reason to use propeller engines early in career mode. Regarding whether you should link it to the OP, that is up to you. However, I made this patch for a career I started and I have no intention of supporting it. I know very little about modding in KSP and module manager in particular, so the configs are most likely probably written in the most awful and inefficient way possible. As for engine weight, it's not just the engines. If you tried to bring engine's weights in line with historical figures, aircraft using them would be harder to balance, because everything else weighs a ton.
  15. Thank you. I was able to get a plane off the ground following your advice. In the end all I needed to do was to use the same wide wing you do on my designs. Interestingly enough, your plane has the same wing area as one of my biplanes, but it appears that two large wide wings are much better than four thinner ones. Just for the record, the planes I was talking about: 1. Monoplane: 2. Biplane: 3. What actually flew:
  16. I will post screenshots when I get home in a few hours. In the meanwhile, I tried fairly simple monoplane and biplane designs, my plane's wet mass was around 2.8 tons. If that sounds like a lot, remember that the lightest of the early engines weighs 800 kg and the starting cockpit weighs 1 ton. The plane was woefully underpowered, but at this scale a faithful reconstruction is impossible: for example, the 9J "Baron" engine weighs 2.5 times as much as the whole Fokker Dr.I triplane it was modeled after. With such weight, wing load shoots through the roof and take-off speed is over 60 m/s. P.S. The problem wasn't the weight itself or the thrust to weight ratio. The problem was that at 60 m/s the trust from the engine falls below 2.5% of the nominal value.
  17. I tried to play in career mode with the setup I mentioned, and I ran into another problem. Those early engines' velocity curves are brutal. 25 m/s takeoffs just don't happen with Ferram Aerospace. I was able to get my plane off the ground without it as an experiment, but not with FAR. I tried different things that would lower stall speed, but it is hard to do with limited parts at the start of the campaign. Have you tried making airplanes with early engines with FAR? What did they look like?
  18. First of all, thank you for this beautiful mod. I recently tried to setup mods for a new campaign, and I thought about using Airplanes Plus. Among other mods, I wanted to use were Unmanned Before Manned with Community Tech Tree and B9 Aerospace Core. I’ve found the patch for CTT by Three_Pounds (thank you!), but I don’t like how the parts from this mod are assigned to the tech tree. Airplanes Plus engines are completely outclassed by the stock engines by the time you get them, and you even encounter some of the early piston engines when you already have supersonic flight from stock parts! That’s why I’ve written my own set of config files to make engine progression smoother and more fun, based on the config by Three_Pounds (thanks again). You can grab them HERE if you want to take a look. Simply unzip all .cfg files from the archive to any directory inside your GameData folder. It shouldn’t produce any errors if you don’t have any of the mods, but be careful with breaking existing saves, as with any other mod. These configs are provided as is… you know the drill. The idea is to start with early piston engines and gradually improve efficiency and power. You don’t get “Juno” until Aviation, and “Wheesley” is pushed to Subsonic Flight. I also reshuffled cockpits a bit to spread them as much as was sensible through the tree. Helicopters are now more accessible as well, with the simplest turboshaft engines coming in Aerodynamics, and more variants in Advanced Aerodynamics and Heavy Aerodynamics. One thing I pushed back was engines for convertiplanes, both for AP and B9, because there seems to be a specialized node for them down the tree. Small landing gear is another thing pushed back to keep the rustic look to my planes early on. You can find more detailed information under the spoiler.
  19. Thank you for the answer. I've read that passage, but I don't have any custom sunflares. I mean, that is 100% stock GPP install on a clear KSP. Also, I don't really understand what the numbers in that file mean, so I don't know what exactly I need to fix. Previously (in GPP 1.1) there was a separate Ciro.cfg to use with scatterer, so perhaps I will try to find the difference between Ciro config in 1.2.2 and 1.2.3, but I though that recent changes should have removed the need to do it. P. S. Maybe I have misunderstood what you're saying. Do you mean that the screenshot I posted is how it should look like without any sunflare mods installed? I am certain then that 1.2.2 sunflares looked very different and much better too.
  20. I have a problem with sunflares in 1.2.3, this times with a only GPP, clouds and scatterer on a clean 1.2.2 install. This is what it looks like: This is what my GameData folder looks like: Default scatterer settings, although turning "sunflare shader" option in the scatterer on or off doesn't make any difference (no restart, I don't remember if it is needed in this case). This is a log file from a short run: KSP_GPPCloudScatterer123 Version 1.2.2 worked fine, as far as I can tell, though I have to say my flares never looked anything like the screenshot in the post above. At least they weren't dull small orbs.
  21. Yes, GPP distributes scatterer 0.0256. Has the config format changed from 0.256 to 0.3? And also, could I still ask why scatterer configs for Extrasolar contain override of sunflares for the Sun as well as Valentine?
  22. Thank you for the answer. What I have in mind is to make valid scatterer configs for GPP's version of scatterer for Extrasolar bodies. I don't think I need to edit individual planet configs, am I? So the task is then limited to making compatible planet list and sunflares configs.
  23. First of all, thanks for the great mod. I was trying to use this mod with Galileo's Planet Pack and everything is working fine except sun flares: I've traced the problem to scatterer configs for Extrasolar. Galileo's Planets Pack distributes its own version of scatterer, and although I'm not familiar with transformations for module manager, it seems that Extrasolar overrides default scatterer config completely rather than insert its own bodies. I think I can edit EVO_planetList.cfg, but I there is something I don't understand. Why does Extrasolar edit Sun's flares too? Shouldn't they be part default scatterer config?
  24. @JadeOfMaar Ok, I'm sorry about posting the question prematurely. Alternative Ciro.cfg without scatterer and regular Ciro.cfg with scatterer work great. However before I started experimenting I got this problem on a version with scatterer and original cfg. I was also trying to make GPP work with Extrasolar mod there, so I will continue my experiments. Thank you.
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