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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. LOL yeah it takes some practice to pilot a Vf1, I recommend that if you are in Atmo let the gimbals free while on Vac Lock the Gimbals, remember it is balanced but when u are almost out of fuel the CoM will go behind the CoL (i tried to fix this, but that break another thing) Remember RCS are your friends (that's why i gave it a generous amount of mono propellant) try to place a couple @ nose another couple at the Fuselage and on the legs. and anywhere you find useful (i use the Bahamutto pack with his rcs) The wings to create a uplift they need to be at 36 degrees while at 0 they will create a down force. (you should've seen how many times i crashed hard on the runway because of this ) One more thing try to use stock landing gear all the others, costume made or mods parts doesn't seem to work (i really don't know why it has something to do with the spring and damper). I'm aware of some issues the craft has but i could manage to get it all the way to Jool and land on 1 of the moons i even got the halfway back but the fuel wasn't enough... although i made tons of mistakes on the way up
  2. I made it all from scratch, so far i have 12 parts modeled and tested. i'm working now on the arms and tail fin, i'm glad you like it. as soon as is complete it, ill be posting the whole craft @ kerballstuff . The Iva uses Rasterprop monitor (i want to thank the original modder for the props). - - - Updated - - - I'm glad you like it . In just a couple weeks ill be posting the whole craft @ kerballstuff, I'm still tweaking and fine tuning everything, while working on the Fins and Arms, which is a lil' hard for me because, i only have internet images and the series as reference (i want a bandai or yamato figure).
  3. Hi all!!! the Valkyries have arrived Just wanted to share something I've been working on. I'm still fine tuning some details but so far it can fly, land (it takes some practice to achieve a perfect land) and Deform into Gerwalk mode (only while flying, haven't figure out how to do it while on the ground without breaking it) ... i tried to go all the way to battloid but that's nearly impossible... hopefully you guys enjoy some screenshots i took of my new baby THE VF 1 Plz be gentle this is my first mod custom craft, but all critics are well accepted PS. want to thank the guys from IR with out that mod this would be impossible (if you are reading this i have some questions plz contact me) 06/30/15 Hi all i just added the parts to kerbalstuff, hope you all enjoy it Important the parts works with Infernal robotics Future plans i'll try to go all the way to battloid mode but i need time, after that ill start with the vf-25 messiah and sdf-1 Please i would like to hear your feedback, Have fun [Moderator removed defunct website link]
  4. It starts retracted.... lets say that i have a drag coef. of 10 at start (retracted). but when i deploy it my drag coef goes to around 7.5 - 8. so... i suspect theres something wrong with my axis... but i cant figure whats the problem, since i have x+ right, z+ foward and y+ up or "lift". ty
  5. NO 1 ? please help my main problem is that when it is deployed it doesnt generate Drag, but undeployed it does generate the drag as intended. so something is backwards TY
  6. Hi please some help I've been trying to combine an intake and airbreake in a single fuselage part... and while the air intake works as intended, i have all sorts of problems with the airbrake please please HELP here the pic and code
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