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Everything posted by Me1_base

  1. some mods have seperate shader for different systems bundled, but i dont know how to write them either. B9 PWING uses a moded version of stock shader so...
  2. You can check the source code or try this version. https://github.com/tetraflon/B9-PWings-Fork-old/releases/download/0.3.3-alpha/Procedural_Wings_Modified_KSP_1.5-1.8.zip It uses the same shader as @Crzyrndmversion
  3. KSP runs on d3d11 as default now. Current built targets emm likely .net 3.5, maybe that cause some problem
  4. The answer is yes, you can modify the wing shape by dragging in some version of b9pw, and it was implemented in some other forks (already obsolete due to lack of maintainance), but the shape is limited to trapezium(at least 1 pair of parallel side). There will be too many parameters to define a wing if things other than trapezium is allowed. I am a native speaker of Mandarin, you can PM me if language is an issue.
  5. Switched to VCN for screen capture and it performs way better now. Anyway I'm going to add 1 more pair of RAM to alleviate the problem of depletion of memory. Imao The design is very altitude dependent. My solution is tuning the plane to be a lot more draggy at low AoA, but extremely efficient at high AoA.
  6. A quick turning performance demo of my potential candidate. severe FPS impact even recording using an i9 9900k why?
  7. Tried to build something... Twin Propeller Heavy Fighter Faster than Me262, really? Fly like a Bomber
  8. Remarked, will submit something before my midterm Very Curious on what G loads can a kerbal sustain?
  9. Maybe I could build one before begin of fall semester. 30mm are murder cannons. Didn't use it because I thought I would fight something flies really fast and 30mm have a low muzzle velocity, but that is not the case.
  10. Done some tweaks and here is the result, to be implemented on my future tournament entry. AS mentioned by @SuicidalInsanity Just need a little bit speed up to make it more competitive. Fights are held in lower altitude.
  11. Would the result be different if idle speed was changed to 250m/s ? Curious to know
  12. I use decal stickers mod. because it use variant to config the textures, i can easily add textures by MM patches. She has a top speed of 280m/s top speed during manual flights, 240ish at first pass during battle tests start distance of (8km), something strange happened.
  13. Agra-vain Custom Paint Scheme: Maybe we can allow contestants to implement custom paint scheme via MM patches
  14. Al18 have a much larger wing area than Agravein, so she susutain a higher angular velocity. especially above 2000m SL. Agravein is not intended to fight such crafts because she lacks energy retention ability. Also don't know why Agravein likes to turn 180degree before engaging in a turn fight. Maybe I should take al18's Ai tweaking approach
  15. These tournaments become really weird, when the profession of the kerbals sitting inside the cockpit is not pilot(just kidding)
  16. With some sort of modern high lift device For your reference, Agravein has a maximum structural g limit of 50-55g during a level turn, but that number diminished for combination of roll and pitch. It was designed to achieve this at 270m/s SL, but I moved the CoM a little bit backward to make it turn faster For zephyrion, I limited its speed at 200m/s to see if any fighter will overshoot it and be instantly killed. The structural limit is also 50g class but never reached due to severe stall at high speed. My crafts are here, check it out Archive
  17. different parts of a wing stall at different AoA. stall at high speed means BOOM In KSP structural load are less likely to rip the wings apart than aerodynamic stress.
  18. AL-18 Swift has reached expected turning performance, but the use of all moving wings, and no Droop for damper, cause some jitter.
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